much loss of life, so much blood. The bloodiest president in our times, this is what ignorance breeds, the killing of other life for what? For an agenda of political capitol. Not for a better life, but for resources. There isn't anything noble about war, it reduces humanity to animals, tearing limbs and destroying lives because some other person in their life told them to do it. I understand we need to protect ourselves from others wishing harm on us, but there must be a more diplomatic way that doesn't involve sticking a glow light in the skull of our fellow human beings. I don't know what that answer is but I do know that if Americans were able to see these photos like the photos of the tsunami, we may not have so much hatred for Iraqi's and we could look at the true culprit of terror and destroy the seed of that terror, Osma Bin Laden, start there. Every day that man lives is a mockery to Bush's crusade of justice. I'm waiting for the Valentine Bin Laden tape next, seems he has one out every holiday. Something has got to give soon, this is just too much blood on this earth.