The world was brought into a "war on terror". The argument was that the U.S.A. were attacked. There is a ministry of defense in the Pentagon building, and it is hard to argue that it is and that it was not equipped well enough to do its job.
The world has a right to know what kind of security, what kind of safety, what kind of help against terror the Pentagon can provide - when we all are forced into this unwanted war.
So the simple question is: what did Mr. Rumsfeld do in the very first time when he had to defend his country ?
At 9:05 his boss, Mr. Bush, was told: "America is under attack". Mr. Rumsfeld just began his meeting with senator Cox, having breakfast together.
At 9:30 Mr. Bush went lamely to the cameras and made the conclusion that if America is under attack it has to defend itself. At this time the whole world was looking TV, it was half an hour after the second impact. Mr. Rumsfeld continued to have his coffee talk.
It took one more hour to find Mr. Rumsfeld with his staff in the "war room". When we have to understand that the whole world did not know if there are maybe 10 or 20 more machines heading into terror attacks I would kindly ask why Mr. Rumsfeld did not even care about the amount of danger and about the precautions taken in the meantime. I.e. there are fighter jets on Andrews AFB - why are they not scrambled? It is their mission to protect Washington.
One could conclude that Mr. Rumsfeld KNEW about the danger. As we could conclude that Bush an his staff KNEW that no jet from Tampa, Orlando, Sarasota, Talahassee, Miami, Jacksonvolle or any other international airport would try to hit the national symbol : the president of the U.S.A.
How could they know ? And how can it happen that they who were informed much earlier than the rest of the world about the hijackings taking place were so relaxed ?
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