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What Rumsfeld did instead of doing his job

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medienanalyse Donating Member (727 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-05 07:34 AM
Original message
What Rumsfeld did instead of doing his job
The world was brought into a "war on terror". The argument was that the U.S.A. were attacked. There is a ministry of defense in the Pentagon building, and it is hard to argue that it is and that it was not equipped well enough to do its job.
The world has a right to know what kind of security, what kind of safety, what kind of help against terror the Pentagon can provide - when we all are forced into this unwanted war.

So the simple question is: what did Mr. Rumsfeld do in the very first time when he had to defend his country ?

At 9:05 his boss, Mr. Bush, was told: "America is under attack". Mr. Rumsfeld just began his meeting with senator Cox, having breakfast together.

At 9:30 Mr. Bush went lamely to the cameras and made the conclusion that if America is under attack it has to defend itself. At this time the whole world was looking TV, it was half an hour after the second impact. Mr. Rumsfeld continued to have his coffee talk.

It took one more hour to find Mr. Rumsfeld with his staff in the "war room". When we have to understand that the whole world did not know if there are maybe 10 or 20 more machines heading into terror attacks I would kindly ask why Mr. Rumsfeld did not even care about the amount of danger and about the precautions taken in the meantime. I.e. there are fighter jets on Andrews AFB - why are they not scrambled? It is their mission to protect Washington.

One could conclude that Mr. Rumsfeld KNEW about the danger. As we could conclude that Bush an his staff KNEW that no jet from Tampa, Orlando, Sarasota, Talahassee, Miami, Jacksonvolle or any other international airport would try to hit the national symbol : the president of the U.S.A.

How could they know ? And how can it happen that they who were informed much earlier than the rest of the world about the hijackings taking place were so relaxed ?

More details and original sources see:
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tngledwebb Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-05 07:57 AM
Response to Original message
1. Good questions all, medienanalyse.
That they have gone unanswered for three years by two 9/11 Commissions, MSM, and the leadership of the Democratic party, reveals the extent of the cover-up.
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medienanalyse Donating Member (727 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-05 04:01 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. ignorance, sentry, defense, attacks, reports an other problems
What happens with a soldier/officer who

- ignores the signs of an upcoming attack
- who is not on his sentry when needed
- who blocks decisions by not being available
- who draws attention on harmless opponents
- who needs lies to argue the need to attack a homemade "enemy"
- who is not able to gain a full victory even if the enemy is much weaker than the own army
- who is unable to hold the post there
- who ignores all knowledge obtained in the defeats in other wars

What I do point out is that Rumsfeld is even in a Republican way of looking into the world is a disaster, a complete catastrophe. The American people should be able to impeach Bush and his head of DoD even by taking their words face value. The greatest Chicago mobster Al Capone was imprisoned because of - tax fraud.

Then in a second step after ripping them off their power it should be possible to ask some gentle questions about 9/11. I heard about electric chairs in Texas. Still operational ?
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tngledwebb Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-12-05 06:02 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. Rumsfeld should be at the top of the list, but not one official
in the Bush admin has yet to be reprimanded, sacked, or impeached for the security failures that led to 9/11. This shocking fact shows the true extent of America's sickness, and strongly implies complicity in the cover-up by our leading politicians and by MSM.
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medienanalyse Donating Member (727 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-13-05 09:50 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. The silence about this matter
is continued in this forum.

dear tngledwebb, we must be aware that it is easier and much more funny to build up nice conspiracy theories about physical phenomena than to take in the simple conclusion out of undeniable facts.

How interesting to "hunt a Boeing" instead of filing courtorders aganist political criminals, writing to the members of congress, laying down the timeline of Mr. Rumsfeld in public hearings, alarming the newspapers ...

How sweet to play with toy-pixels in fotos than to feel responsible to take action, to stand up and speak out.

This mentality of fearfull hares, this rabbitbehabiour is part of the tragedy too.
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