Prison sentences and illegal firearms traffic related to drug smuggling?
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Sun Feb-27-05 03:12 PM
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Prison sentences and illegal firearms traffic related to drug smuggling? |
In New York you can get more prison if you are caught selling drugs than if you attempt to shoot someone or use a firearm in a crime. I think theres something seriously wrong with that. Why not a law that gives a mandatory sentence for people that use a firearms in a crime? Why not lock them up for good if they attempt to shoot someone? Many times in firearms related crime you hear that the person as attempted this before. I would have no problem of locking someone up for good that uses a firearms in a crime. That kind of violence should not be tolerated. Maybe someone will think twice about going to jail for life.What do you guys think?
I also think not enough is done to stop illegal gun traffic in the U.S. I think drug smuggling and weapons smuggling are very closely related. Drug deals are probably bringing in the most illegal guns into the country. When you hear about a drug bust you also hear that many firearms were also found. But I still think more can be done. Gangs in New York are a big problem, many kids in high school are selling drugs and firearms. Its easier to buy a gun off the street than it is to buy one in a store (hard to obtain a pistol permit in NY). Don't you think more could be done? Or does the problem lie outside of the United States, In the countries that grow and make the drugs then ship them here?
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Sun Feb-27-05 03:22 PM
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1. I have a problem with mandatory sentences period. I think its the very |
reason why we have miscarriages of justices that you speak of. I think that no crime happens in a vacuum where we can say if you do this crime no matter what the total circumstances are that led to you committing said crime you are going to receive the following sentence.
(231 posts)
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Sun Feb-27-05 04:57 PM
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3. but do you think gun crimes deserve a very high amount of years? |
Yes each crime has its own circumstances but do you think gun crimes deserve a very harsh punishment?
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Sun Feb-27-05 04:12 PM
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2. The answer to most of these problems... |
is ending this useless war on drugs.
Keeping drugs illegal is what what accounts for most of thes violent drug related crimes.
Prohibition does not work.
It didnt work back in the 20s, its still not going to work now.
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Sun Nov 03rd 2024, 08:43 AM
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