And I'm going to say it again:
Look at the responses in another threads here where contributors were challenged to identify or define "assault weapons". No gun ban enthusiast has made a serious effort to answer the questions, rather they try to hide their ignorance behind trite jokes or mantras like "Mary Rosh! Mary Rosh!" or "the corrupt gun industry".Gun ban enthusiasts still haven't gotten a clue. By choosing to remain ignorant they doom themselves to being unable to address the problem of criminal misuse of firearms. They misdirect their attention to the object they are afraid of rather than the real problem, which is human behavior.
In their arrogance they write stupid, misguided, ineffective laws again and again. Just look at how much bandwidth the California state legislature has wasted over the years trying to ban weapons that look scary but aren't even the ones favored by criminals. Now they are trying to micromanage safety features in handguns, directing their attention to the 1s and 10s that accidental shootings represent rather than the hundreds and thousands of crimes committed by KNOWN violent criminals, repeat offenders who are too often set free by a revolving-door justice system.
Another violent recidivist returned to streets
September 18, 2003
What the state did not do, Mark Anthony Jensen did himself: get him off the streets. After a lifetime of serious crimes and out of prison for exactly a week, Jensen killed himself on Monday.
That's unfortunate. More unfortunate, he apparently killed two other people before shooting himself, bringing to four the number of criminal deaths in which he had a hand.
So why was Mark Anthony Jensen, 40, on the street this week?...(For full text of copyrighted editorial please see )
Meanwhile the level of gun-related crimes in California rises and falls with the economy like it always has. To my friends and acquaintences who think banning guns will solve problems - Wake up and smell the coffee.
If you don't know jack shit about firearms you are not competent to write a sensible gun law. Don't rely on guesswork and propaganda. The real information is easy to get if you will only shut up and listen for once instead of spewing childish insults, bogus statistics, and irrelevant comparisons to other countries.