Remarks by DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe at Montana State Democratic Party Convention
"Along those lines, I want to make one thing very clear: The Democratic Party supports the right of responsible, law-abiding Americans to safely own and operate firearms.
I grew up with guns. I hunted as a boy in upstate New York, and I continue to hunt today. I think it's terrific that the Montana Democrats have a new Hunter and Outdoor Sports Roundtable, and I will not lead a political party that would defy the sporting tradition that is so deeply embedded in the American cultural fabric.
"But you wouldn't know any of this if you watch television or read the newspapers. Because we've allowed the Republicans to distort our position on question our commitment to religious smear us as anti-family. Instead of fighting back, we've let them use these as wedge issues to depict us as hostile to mainstream values. c But I will not let that happen again. I will not let Republicans question our patriotism or our values.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------It seems to me that there is no call for greater gun control measures in this speech. I think the DNC may have started to understand gun control doesn't bring in as many votes as it takes away.
The Republicans are using the gun issue against us because it works. When the American people see WELL THOUGHT OUT gun laws that will work coming from the democrats, they will be more apt to agree.
I suggest the party advocate stronger enforcement of current laws. Any new legislation should be well thought out, not "feel good" laws that have no effect on criminal homocide. Face it, when the assualt weapons ban was passed, homocides from long guns were around 3-5% of all murders commited with guns. The law did nothing but INCREASE sales of rifles modified to be in complience of the new law.
The Republicans are using the gun issue against us because we have made it too easy for them. Why shouldn't they? All is fair in politics these days.