... when people make up their own meanings for words:
"Biologically speaking, heterosexuality would be the only 'normal' behaviour, due to the fact that it is the only behaviour that can lead to further propagation of the species. ... Homosexuality, while not a learned behaviour (as some have said), can not be considered to be biologically normal, as it does not lead to further propagation of the species."That actually isn't "biologically" speaking, or any other kind of speaking other than "meaninglessly". We just don't get to define words according to our own whim.
Try a dictionary; mine is the Oxford Concise, feel free to pick your own.
One might say that, "biologically" speaking, "normal" is "what happens"; it is something
conforming to a standard; regular, usual, typical
In that sense, homosexual behaviour, for instance, is entirely "normal". (And of course sexual abstinence after puberty is quite "abnormal".)
Of course, one might advance the hypothesis that paedophilia is not "normal" in this arguably "biological" sense:
free from mental or emotional disorder
But then, since we *define* paedophilia as a disorder, that might be kind of question-begging.
"Normal" really doesn't mean "conforming to my notions about the meaning of life" or about anything else. No one who knows what s/he is talking about would say that whether sexual behaviour is "normal" depends on whether it is directed toward reproduction (which, of course, most hetersexual sexual behaviour is not).
Unfortunately, paedophilic behaviour probably is "normal" in the first sense -- it is widespread over history and geography, across classes and races, and even to some extent across sexes.
But apart from the circular logic, it probably isn't "normal" in the second sense, since it generally can be traced to what we regard as a disorder in personality development. Again, that is circular in that it depends on our definitions of what is "good" development and what is "bad", but we do have just about as good a foundation for those definitions as we have for any other good/bad distinctions we make: disordered development tends result in both the individual being unhappy and the individual making others unhappy.
Most paedophiles are undoubtedly the victims of "bad" influences on their development, influences that result in their never developing reasonably mature, healthy personalities, with the desire and skills to meet their needs in appropriate (for themselves and society) ways. It's too simplistic, and false, to say that people with personality disorders can/should simply "stop doing" whatever bad things that they do to fulfil their unmet needs. But in some (who knows how many?) cases it would also be simplistic and false to say that they *can't* stop doing them -- at least with help, usually a lot of it.
Protecting children from those bad influences -- and not just molestation; emotional abuse and neglect can be just as disordering -- is the only way to ensure that they don't develop into the people who do bad things. The sad thing is that the people doing those bad things today are in large part the children who weren't protected when they needed it.