This one's fun:"Journey into darkness: Covert research in the Canadian racist underground" by Matthew Lauder
For two years I was a neo-Nazi. I shaved my head, went to meetings, listened to white power music, confronted antiracists, and talked with some of the most important racialists in Canada and the United States. In the eyes of the far right, I was a committed racialist ready to defend the white race.
But my neo-Nazi image was a façade. I was, in fact, an investigator working on a confidential antiracism project. ...
In early April <Paul> Fromm held a meeting in Toronto. With more than 90 people in attendance, Doug Christie, a lawyer for many far right extremists, highlighted Ernst Zundel’s Canadian Human Rights Tribunal case. ...
After the meeting, several people gathered at a nearby coffee shop to discuss the movement. To my surprise, Wolfgang Droege, then leader of the Heritage Front, asked me to help revive his ailing group.
<At a "straight pride" meeting> Paul Blair, the executive director of the Freedom Party of Ontario, was also present. ... There was also a potentially violent side to the protest. Mixed into the largely peaceful crowd were about 10 racist skinheads who acknowledged carrying weapons.
So we have some names. Marc Lemire, Ernst Zundel, Wolfgang Droege, Doug Christie, Paul Blair, Paul Fromm. The Freedom Party, the Heritage Front; the new Canadian Heritage Alliance (not to be confused with the Canadian Alliance, the official opposition in Parliament ... hard as it is not to, sometimes ...).
(But hey, the rest of that longish piece is a fun read. You might have thought that Canadian mothers didn't have 'em, but some indeed do.)
Now, let's look some of 'em up with "gun control" in the search terms.
Forgive me, but I might have to cite some nasty sites. here, in the interests of full disclosure and honest discourse, I admit that I find this:
UpFront: FRONTLINE has just been completed and is in the mail. If your a subscriber, expect your newsletter within the next few days.
Contents include:
- 2002: A Year of Betrayal in Nova Scotia
- More Special treatment for Blacks in Ontario
- "Diversity" In New Brunswick?
- Revisionist Ernst Zundel Arrested in the United States
- Ernst Zundel reporting from inside one of America's prisons
- What is the role of women in our cause?
- White Workers Unite! Heritage Front Halifax
- Gun Control Is Really White Control
- Vox Populi: THE LEFT COAST
- and much much more ...
Damn, I almost wish I were a subscriber. I wonder what the role of women *is* in their cause?
Ooohhh ... I think I get it. "Gun control" -- control over guns -- is really "white control" -- control over whites. Let's see whether we can confirm or refute this theory.
Here's a fun discussion board: The man is a sleaze-I suppose this could be said about most of the people who operate down in Ottawa-but when it comes to the issue of gun owners rights I am very concerned that the average citizen's in this country do not associate people like <George> Barkhouse with the gun lobby.
- The man is a walking $h!T magnet and we've got enough problems just dealing with the new gun tax/reg. program . I say thanks but no thanks George, take your boundless energy and righteous inclination and start fund raising for the grits <Liberals>, in the end you'll do us all more good on their side.
- Damn Right. I am all for the fight against Gun Control, shame it is being faught by a extreme right wing white supremist.
Damn again, eh? They just don't seem to be able to get out from under the racist filth, even up here.
More about Barkhouse:'s Warren Kinsella, a Liberal back-roomer whom all the folks in that first article I cited have been ... gunning for ... ever since he started writing about them: worth reading there)
Similarly, the far right generally supports the genocidal program devised by Milosevic, and called ethnic cleansing: The forced separation of certain races, creeds and ethnic groups has been a core belief of the far right, after all, since the establishment of the Ku Klux Klan in Tennessee in 1865. As the passage from the Zundelsite makes clear, the far right also possesses a lively paranoia about "One World Government" and its assorted manifestations -- the United Nations, the global banking system, gun control and black helicopters.
Okay, it's second-hand, and zundelsite has been shut down by order of the human rights commission, I believe, so I can't check, but Kinsella is a recognized authority on the far right in Canada (whether anybody here recognizes him or not) --
Web of Hate: Inside Canada's Far Right Network -- so I'll take his word on that.
Heh heh. Referring to the NATO military effort against Milosevic, Kinsella says:
If a cause may be judged by the character of those who support it, so too may it be judged by the quality of those who do not.
But that's just one Liberal backroom boy's opinion, as expressed in the genteel-ly right-wing National Post.
Oh look! I was trying -- but I was mistaken: voting patterns, Reform comes closest to the Perot movement in the United States and represents what people thought the country OUGHT to be before "political correctness" started to destroy it with multi-cults, "Human Rights" Commissions, "Hate Laws", "Gun Control Laws" and other tribulations.
Okay, back to the Heritage Front question: pro or con? that the Ottawa dictators now have grandiose plans for global gun control, as mentioned in the news section of this issue. More evidence of Canadian elites wanting to export and promote their control-freak mentality beyond Canadian borders! -Editor)
I kinda think that this settles that; I don't think they approve. Heritage Front is one of the groups behind FreedomSite:
The Heritage Front is an organization that was created to support Euro-Canadians. Discrimination against traditional Euro-Canadians values is common in Canada and we are seeking to change that. Our Membership comes from all walks of life, and is open to men and women who are supportive of equal rights for Euro-Canadians and special privileges for none. The Heritage Front has been in public existance for over 10 years and is Canada's largest Racialist Organization. The Heritage Front's mandate is to preserve our heritage - in a militantly pro-White, militantly positive sense. We are proud of who we are, our history and accomplishments.
And they don't mince words. FreedomSite is also backed by the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee, the Canadian Heritage Alliance, Canadian Association for Free Expression, Citizens For Foreign Aid Reform, Canadian Patriots Network (all clickable on that site).
Okay, I'm hungry. Later, we'll do the more genteel right wing.