The current Joyce foundation web site only list grants going back to 2003, but back in 2006 I pulled a list from them. I believe it was from a .pdf but I'm not 100% positive.
It's in my DU Journal.
Anyways, the name of the institution that got the grant, the amount, the duration of the grant, and the purpose of the funding is/was laid out by the Joyce foundation.
I doubt they gave the money to the County.
Do you fund government agencies and programs?
We generally make grants only to nonprofit organizations. Gun Violence Grants
Children’s Memorial Hospital
Chicago, IL $60,000
To support the continued development and expansion of the Illinois Violent Death Reporting System. (1 yr.)
Children’s Memorial Hospital
Chicago, IL $41,800
To educate the public, policymakers, and data providers about the importance of the National Violent Death Reporting System. (1 yr.)
International Association of Chiefs of Police
Alexandria, VA $174,788
To expand a Midwest-based advisory group of law enforcement leaders interested in promoting gun violence prevention policies and practices, and to plan a possible regional summit of Midwest law enforcement, elected officials, and other stakeholders on gun violence prevention. (9 mos.)
Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City
New York, NY $175,000
To organize a coalition of mayors from around the country to promote national, state, and local policies, litigation, and law enforcement strategies aimed at reducing the flow of illegal guns into cities. (1 yr.)
National Foundation for the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Inc.
Atlanta, GA $168,547
To develop an automated query system for the National Violent Death Reporting System. (2 yrs.)
Violence Policy Center
Washington, DC $700,000
For general support and its continued research, public education, and technical assistance to promote gun policy reform in 2007, particularly in Illinois and Wisconsin. (18 mos.)
2005 Gun Violence Grants
Harvard University
School of Public Health
Boston, MA $700,000
To support the Harvard Injury Control Research Center’s technical assistance to the National Violent Death Reporting System, to conduct policy-relevant firearm research, and to increase its communications capacity. (2 yrs.)
Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence
Chicago, IL $325,000
For continued support of its public, media, and policy-maker education efforts to promote firearm policy reform in Illinois. (1 yr.)
Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health
Baltimore, MD $181,117
To share research findings on strategies for reducing gun violence with Chicago and Milwaukee city officials, law enforcement, advocates, and the media. (2 yrs.)
Legal Community Against Violence
San Francisco, CA $380,000
For general support. (2 yrs.)
Mark Karlin & Associates
Chicago, IL $650,000
To support the continued efforts of its Freedom States Alliance, a project to promote financial self-sufficiency and effective media, public, and policy-maker education efforts among gun violence prevention groups, especially those in Illinois and Wisconsin.
(18 mos.)
National Opinion Research Center
Chicago, IL $39,499
To add a selection of gun-related questions to its 2006 General Social Survey. (2 yrs.)
University of Pennsylvania
Firearm & Injury Center at Penn
Philadelphia, PA $300,000
To develop a national research agenda on firearms, to support and conduct interdisciplinary firearms research, and to help translate research into policy and practice. (18 mos.)
Violence Policy Center
Washington, DC $450,000
To provide research and technical assistance to Midwest-based gun violence prevention advocates. (1 yr.)
WAVE Educational Fund
Milwaukee, WI $250,000
To continue its public, policy-maker, and media education efforts to prevent firearm violence in Wisconsin. (1 yr.)
2004 Gun Violence Grants
Boston University
School of Public Health
Boston, MA $40,000
To support the Join Together Gun Violence Prevention Project. (6 mos.)
Children’s Memorial Hospital
Chicago, IL $100,000
For its Child Health Data Lab to support the development and implementation of the Illinois Violent Death Reporting System and the state’s reapplication for federal funding next year. (1 yr.)
Citizens for a Safer Minnesota Education Fund
St. Paul, MN $90,000
To support its efforts to change cultural attitudes and norms in support of firearms policies that protect children and promote public health, and to expand the organization’s membership and funding base. (1 yr.)
Citizens for a Safer Minnesota Education Fund
St. Paul, MN $32,000
To support gun violence prevention policies in Minnesota. (6 mos.)
Consumer Federation of America
Washington, DC $75,000
To educate the public and policy makers about the public health and safety impact of failing to regulate guns, particularly assault weapons, as consumer products. (9 mos.)
Entertainment Industries Council, Inc.
Reston, VA $125,000
To work with the entertainment community to accurately and responsibly address gun violence on television. (18 mos.)
Fenton Communications
New York, NY $175,000
To provide communications and public relations support to promote the expansion of the National Violent Death Reporting System across all 50 states with particular focus on promoting its expansion into midwestern states including Indiana, Ohio, and Iowa.
(2 yrs.)
Handgun-Free America
Arlington, VA $35,000
To coordinate and support efforts on college campuses to educate students, the public, and policy makers about the dangers of civilian access to assault weapons. (1 yr.)
Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence
Chicago, IL $300,000
To create a new network of state-based gun violence prevention groups. (1 yr.)
Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence
Chicago, IL $400,000
To educate the public about the risks of guns in the home and to enhance its media and communications presence (including on the Internet), its statewide organizing, and coalition building, and its funding and membership base. (1 yr.)
Indiana University
Department of Pediatrics
Indianapolis, IN $150,000
To develop a statewide firearm death and injury data collection system and to position the state to apply for National Violent Death Reporting System funding. (1 yr.)
Indiana University
Department of Pediatrics
Indianapolis, IN $40,000
To support the Indiana Partnership to Prevent Gun Violence. (1 yr.)
Iowans for the Prevention of Gun Violence
Cedar Rapids, IA $250,000
For its work at the state and national level to promote public health strategies to prevent gun-related deaths and injuries. (2 yrs.)
Legal Community Against Violence
San Francisco, CA $125,000
To provide legal assistance to state and local policy makers and advocates working on gun violence prevention measures and to launch a national membership program for lawyers. (18 mos.)
Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence
Toledo, OH $200,000
For continued support of its efforts as a statewide resource on gun violence prevention, and to build its organizational funding and membership base. (2 yrs.)
Ohio State University Foundation
John Glenn Institute for Public Service & Public Policy
Columbus, OH $125,000
To host a symposium at Stanford Law School on the connections between the Second Amendment and the Fourteenth Amendment, to publish papers in a major law review, and disseminate findings via the Web. (2 yrs.)
New York, NY $200,000
To pilot and evaluate the Asking Saves Kids Campaign’s impact on public knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to gun ownership and accessibility in Rockford and Joliet, Illinois. (2 yrs.)
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Washington, DC $100,000
To train, expand, and mobilize its membership around firearm injury prevention with a particular focus on assault weapons and on the nexus between firearms and domestic violence. (1 yr.)
University of California-Los Angeles
School of Public Health
Los Angeles, CA $250,000
To study the impact of California’s effortto implement firearm prohibitions that were part of the 1994 federal Violence Against Women Act. (2 yrs.)
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA $200,000
To support its Firearm Injury Center’s research and dissemination activities. (18 mos.)
Violence Policy Center
Washington, DC $500,000
To provide research and technical assistance to Midwest-based gun violence prevention advocates. (1 yr.)
WAVE Educational Fund
Milwaukee, WI $250,000
To educate the public about the risks of guns in the home and to enhance its media and communications presence (including on the Internet), its statewide organizing, and coalition building, and its funding and membership base. (1 yr.)
WAVE Educational Fund
Milwaukee, WI $40,000
To support a coalition to reduce gun violence in Wisconsin. (6 mos.)
2003 Gun Violence Grants
Handgun Epidemic Lowering Plan (HELP) Network
Chicago, IL $120,000
To promote the expansion of the National Violent Death Reporting System and to help promote physician education and advocacy by defining a medical standard of care for gun violence prevention. (2 yrs.)
Harvard University
School of Public Health
Boston, MA $80,000
To conduct a national survey on gun ownership, storage trends, and attitudes regarding public health-oriented gun policy options. (1 yr.)
Mark Karlin & Associates
Chicago, IL $185,000
To help raise the media presence and capacity of Midwest gun violence prevention groups. (18 mos.)
New York Academy of Medicine
New York, NY $100,000
For its program Doctors Against Handgun Injury supporting a coalition of national medical societies to promote public health-oriented gun policies and practices. (2 yrs.)
Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence
Toledo, OH $150,000
For general support, including state and federal policy advocacy to prevent gun violence. (21 mos.)
Violence Policy Center
Washington, DC $500,000
To support its research, communication, advocacy, and outreach efforts promoting public health-oriented gun policy. (1 yr.)
WAVE Educational Fund
Milwaukee, WI $100,000
To promote public health-oriented gun policy in Wisconsin and nationally. (2 yrs.)
2002 Gun Violence Grants
Boston University, School of Public Health
Boston, MA $200,000
To support the Join Together Gun Violence Prevention Project, including its gun violence prevention website and on-line suite of services, and the provision of technical assistance to individuals and organizations interested in gun violence prevention. (2 yrs.)
Citizens for a Safer Minnesota Education Fund
St. Paul, MN $200,000
To support efforts to educate the public and policy makers about the need for gun violence prevention policies in Minnesota and to work toward their implementation. (27 mos.)
Consumer Federation of America Foundation
Washington, DC $400,000
To advocate for the treatment and regulation of guns as consumer products. (2 yrs.)
Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence
Chicago, IL $375,000
For continued support of the OnTarget Coalition, a network of organizations working to address gun violence as a public health issue in Illinois. (2 yrs.)
Indiana University
Department of Pediatrics
Indianapolis, IN $250,000
To support the Indiana Partnership to Prevent Firearm Violence, a project of Indiana University, for the development and implementation of the Indiana Firearm Injury and Fatality Reporting System. (2 yrs.)
Iowans for the Prevention of Gun Violence
Cedar Rapids, IA $250,000
To support efforts at the state and national level to promote public health policies to prevent gun related deaths and injuries. (21 mos.)
Mark Karlin & Associates
Chicago, IL $192,000
For publication of research results on gun violence. (2 yrs.)
Ohio State University Foundation
Department of History
Columbus, OH $399,967
For the creation of a comprehensive Second Amendment Research Center. (2 yrs.)
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Washington, DC $150,000
To support efforts aimed at organizing the medical and public health communities to educate their patients and policy makers about the dangers of keeping firearms in the home and the policies and practices that would reduce gun-related death and injury. (2 yrs.)
Violence Policy Center
Washington, DC $800,000
To support research, public education, communication, and advocacy efforts promoting public health oriented gun violence prevention policies. (18 mos.)
2001 Gun Violence Grants
Children's Memorial Foundation
Chicago, IL $150,000
For continued support of the Handgun Epidemic Lowering Plan (HELP) Network in promoting a public health approach to the epidemic levels of handgun-related death and injury. (2 yrs.)
Communication Works
San Francisco, California $300,000
To develop and execute a communications project entitled "From Raw Data to Injury Prevention: Building the Communications Pipeline," which provides media support to the Joyce-funded National Firearm Injury Statistics System. (2 yrs.)
Harvard University
School of Public Health
Boston, MA $425,000
To support the National Firearm Injury Statistics System in stimulating the establishment of a National Violent Death Reporting System. (2 yrs.)
Johns Hopkins University
School of Hygiene and Public Health
Baltimore, Maryland $600,000
For continued support of the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research. (2 yrs.)
Legal Community Against Violence
San Francisco, California $150,000
To provide legal guidance to local and state officials, activists, and others seeking to enact, and defend in court, sound public health regulations of firearms. (2 yrs.)
National Academy of Sciences
National Research Council
Washington, DC $109,000
To improve research information and data on firearms. (2 yrs.)
National Association of State-Based
Child Advocacy Organizations
Washington, DC $733,249
To launch a three-year project called "Child Safe," designed to reduce the incidence of gun-related deaths and injuries suffered by children and their families. (3 yrs.)
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Washington, DC $100,000
To launch the public education and mobilization campaign, Faces of Firearms. (1 yr.)
Toledo Ecumenical Area Ministries
Toledo Metropolitan Mission
Toledo, Ohio $250,000
For continued support to the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence. (2 yrs.)
Uhlich Children's Home
Chicago, Illinois $50,000
To support the Hands Without Guns Program, a public health and education campaign designed to inform youth, influence peer behavior, and change public policy. (1 yr.)
University of California-Davis
Violence Prevention Research Program
Sacramento, CA $125,000
For general support and research. (18 mos.)
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania $1,200,000
To strengthen the Firearm Injury Center and to expand the Medical Professionals as Advocates Program. (3 yrs.)
2000 Gun Violence Grants
Alliance for Justice, Inc.
Washington, DC $300,000
To support a focus on public policies to prevent gun violence in its First Monday Program, which mobilizes college, graduate, and law students to become informed advocates in a critical public policy issue. (2 yrs.)
Boston University School of Public Health
Boston, MA $358,378
To enable its Join Together organization to maintain and expand its gun violence prevention website and related services. (2 yrs)
Citizens for a Safer Minnesota Education Fund
St. Paul, Minnesota $300,000
To create the Gun Violence Organizing Project, a state-local partnership to step up the level of policy advocacy around gun violence prevention in Minnesota. (2 yrs.)
Communication Works, Inc.
San Francisco, California $560,122
To develop and implement communications strategies for promoting a public health-oriented gun policy of comprehensive health and safety regulation of the industry. (3 yrs.)
Duke University
Office of Research Support
Durham, North Carolina $339,133
For a study of how community gun ownership rates and gun-related policies affect the public health and safety within the community. (2 yrs.)
Entertainment Industries Council, Inc.
Reston, Virginia $28,890
For a planning grant to initiate broad-scale research into the media's influence on the public's perception of firearms, in order to determine the most effective courses of action to encourage accurate and responsible firearms depiction in the entertainment media. (6 mos.)
Harvard University School of Public Health
Boston, MA $325,000
To support young scholars working on firearm injury prevention research and the dissemination of findings. (3 yrs)
Iowans for the Prevention of Gun Violence
Cedar Rapids, IA $250,000
To coordinate efforts working with state and voluntary agencies to reduce firearms deaths and injuries in Iowa, with a particular emphasis on gun suicide. (2 yrs)
Loyola University
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Chicago, Illinois $44,261
For a study on illegal handgun distribution and availability in Chicago neighborhoods and their relationship to violent crime. (1 yr.)
Minnesota Institute of Public Health
Anoka, MN $296,594
For continuation of its efforts to reduce gun injuries and deaths in Minnesota, particularly focusing on the collection of gun violence data, state level legislation, and local policy development. (2 yrs)
National Association of State-Based Child Advocacy Organizations
Washington, DC $49,540
To launch the New Voices Initiative in 2001, intended to bring the voice of child advocates to the gun violence prevention arena. (9 mos)
National Opinion Research Center
Chicago, Illinois $197,661
For a supplement to the fifth annual survey of public attitudes on gun policy issues focusing on gun carrying. (1 yr.)
New York Academy of Medicine
New York, New York $750,000
For Doctors Against Handgun Injury (DAHI), a new coalition of learned medical societies and organizations dedicated to mobilizing the influence, authority, and clinical expertise of physicians to reduce handgun injury. (3 yrs.)
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Washington, DC $150,000
To involve medical and public health students and professionals in policy advocacy activities associated with the Alliance for Justice First Monday Program on Gun Violence in America. (1 yr.)
Toledo Ecumenical Area Ministries
Toledo Metropolitan Mission
Toledo, Ohio $33,200
To strengthen operations of the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence. (1 yr.)
University of California-Los Angeles, School of Public Health
Los Angeles, CA $132,787
To analyze and disseminate findings from the largest and most in-depth survey to date of access to, and use of, firearms among adolescents. (2 yrs)
Violence Policy Center
Washington, DC $1,000,000
To support its efforts to promote public health-oriented gun policy through research, public education, coalition building, and advocacy. (2 yrs)
Wisconsin Anti-Violence Effort (WAVE) Educational Fund
Milwaukee, Wisconsin $506,414
To develop and coordinate the policy-oriented activities of a multi-disciplinary coalition to reduce gun violence in Wisconsin. (3 yrs.)