I carry just about everywhere I go. The store, restaurants,car dealerships, on and on and on. In years and years of carrying I have never had any problem of any kind. I know a LOT of other guys who carry, same thing. But I don't carry where it is illegal to. Like in schools, courthouses, post offices,airports. That is because I am not a criminal. In any given environment with lots of people there are a few good guys with guns and a few bad guys with guns and knives. 99% of the time nothing comes of it. Occasionally a bad guy will start hurting people and sometimes a good guy will stop him, it does happen. But not in places like schools. When people move from the mall to the school all of the good guys disarm themselves, but not the criminals. In Columbine what happened was bad guys ignored the "gun free zone" sign and entered the school filled with unarmed victims. They then casually moved through the school killing people at their leisure until they chose to stop. Virginia Tech was the same outcome. Bad guy ignored the "gun free zone" sign and moved through the school killing people until he decided to stop. In the attempted mass church shooting, the bad guy stopped when the woman with the concealed gun shot him. He shot people in the parking lot at leisure then entered the church where he was stopped. It was a big church full of people.
Gun free zones cause an environment where the criminals are armed and the average people are disarmed.
Gun free zones do not make people safer. Even if they do make people *feel* safer. "Gun free zones" actually create more victims.