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Brady Bunch upset with Obama Admin

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Pullo Donating Member (367 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-08-09 10:36 AM
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Brady Bunch upset with Obama Admin
One of things the POTUS had campaigned for was repealing the "Tiahrt Amendment," which basically seeks to ensure that the Federal government will not create a backdoor gun registry and protect lawful gun owner's privacy.

It now looks like the Obama Admin has chosen instead just to nibble at the Tiahrt Amendment, leaving the bulk of it in place(for now), and the Brady's are pissed.">From Politico:

Meanwhile, the administration is steering away from another politically-sensitive fight by proposing only minor changes to a legislative language, known as the Tiahrt Amendments after Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-Kansas), which limit the use of gun tracing data maintained by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Obama’s budget would slightly ease restrictions on the use of the data. The changes would allow the tracing data to be shared with state and local officials even outside the context of a investigation of a specific crime. Localities could use the data to identify gun dealers who sell lots of guns traced to crimes, but rules prohibiting the use of such data for civil suits would remain in place.

That won't sit well with the NRA, since it allows tracing data to be shared outside of criminal investigations, but its still not near enough to satisfy the Brady's.">From The Brady Campaign:

We are profoundly disappointed that President Obama has failed to follow through with his promises for ‘openness’ by reaffirming much of the so-called Tiahrt Amendments. This means a continuation of the reckless Bush-era policies that endanger public safety and make it easier for criminals to obtain illegal firearms.

President Obama’s proposal undermines the landmark Brady Law by continuing the dangerous Bush Administration policy requiring the destruction of most Brady background check records in just 24 hours .....

..... In addition, President Obama has made the Tiahrt Amendments’ unprecedented ban on public disclosure of crime gun trace information even worse than before, now even prohibiting law enforcement from communicating it to the public it serves.

I can see why the Admin wants to clamp down access to tracing data, especially if that data undermines the policies they'd like to pursue.

Anyway, it looks like more of a "death by a thousand cuts" strategy, the traditional anti-gun approach.
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DonP Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-08-09 03:05 PM
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1. Another Brady Dis-Information campaign
Brady is trying to convince people that the Tiahrt amendment stops the police from accessing gun record information. It's simply not true, or what some folks call - "A Big Fat Lie".

Their true goal is to make that gun purchase and ownership information available to the media and the general public, like they have done with some concealed carry holders private information. I'm waiting for the first case of an abused wife with a CCW being outed by the paper and being injured or worse by her abuser thanks to the address and detailed information provided by the media "in the public interest".

Imagine that, the GOP founded and run VPC not being honest about something? Imagine my shock!
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east texas lib Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-10-09 01:58 PM
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2. The Brady Campaign's profound disappointment...
Edited on Sun May-10-09 01:59 PM by east texas lib
Is a law abiding gun owner's profound relief.
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pipoman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-11-09 07:21 AM
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3. It is really too bad
that the "Tiahrt Amendment" carries that name as many around here likely oppose it (understandably) based simply upon the moniker. The truth is that the Amendment brings NICS and FFL information into the same level of privacy that other Fed law enforcement data bases have such as NCIC. Use of NCIC outside of the scope of a criminal investigation is criminally prohibited. The information compiled by NICS and gun trace data has been used and disseminated by politicos which has resulted in harassment and even threats on people who have broken no laws.
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