Nordyke may not be the final say of the 9th Circuit on 2A Incorporation after all.
Gary Gorsky, a full of gusto but little sense "pro" RKBA attorney, filed an appeal to the 9th Circuit CoA to a ruling against a couple guys being denied right-to-carry permits in California, of all places.(I guess there being no "shall-issue" law in Cali matters little to Mr. Gorski) The name on the case he is set to argue in the 9th is
Mehl, in front of another 3 judge panel. If the panel rules against Gorsky's clients, the Court panel could potentially rule the 2A is NOT incorporated as part of its reasoning. Obviously, if 2 separate 9th Circuit panels come up with 2 different rulings re 2A incorporation, the issue must be taken up by the full 9th. It gets worse.
If incorporation gets an en blanc review by the 9th Circuit, Gorsky, not Alan Gura, will be arguing that case. :puke:
Here's a little background on Mr. Gorsky. Alan Gura(the guy who argued
Heller) and Gene Hoffman of Calguns tried to persuade Mr. Gorsky to join his case with some of their own litigation, it elicited">this response from Gary Gorsky. Its clear his jealousy of Alan Gura is of epic proportion.