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Shot Robber Has Extensive Criminal History

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Fire_Medic_Dave Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-28-09 10:22 PM
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Shot Robber Has Extensive Criminal History
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn (WRCB) -- Leon McKinney is recovering at Erlanger Medical Center from multiple gunshot wounds to the chest and legs. He is in serious condition.

McKinney was shot over the weekend while attempting to rob a Stockton Drive homeowner, according to Chattanooga Police.

His is a name familiar to law enforcement. He's spent his adult life in trouble with police. His criminal history dates back to 2004, when he was only eighteen years-old.

He's been charged with 21 offenses since, not including the most recent robbery-related charges. In July of this year, McKinney was accused of robbing a friend. She told police he held her at gunpoint and demanded money and when she tried to push him out, she said he fired at her.

Court records show his history is even more violent. He pleaded guilty to attempted first degree murder in 2006. He was sentenced to ten years in prison, but was released for good behavior after serving only eleven months and twenty-nine days.

Poor guy he was probably just hungry. I'm sure he just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. And what about the inconsiderate homeowner who didn't make his home look unappealing to home invaders. I really hope I don't need the sarcasm tag.

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GreenStormCloud Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-28-09 11:03 PM
Response to Original message
1. Homeowner needs bigger gun.
Multiple hits in the chest and legs and the goblin is pulling through?
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Tim01 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-28-09 11:07 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Somebody give that man a 12 gauge. nt
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oneshooter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-29-09 09:59 AM
Response to Reply #1
3.  Maybe a little training, and some more range time. n/t
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spin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-29-09 02:24 PM
Response to Reply #1
5. Movies teach us that if you shoot someone with a handgun ...
they just fall over dead.

A handgun is primarily a self defense weapon. True, it can kill a person but realistically if you shoot someone with a handgun chances are they will survive.

Realistic Expectations: I think this is where we go astray; we expect way too much from our handguns. Hunters have known that seemingly equivalent shots on similar animals can produce very differing results. One may instantly drop while the other runs, yet both received lethal hits to the heart/lung area. This is so often seen that's it's accepted. Deadly force scenarios for most of us are much rarer and there are folks interested in self-protection that have no experience in hunting; they have never seen anything shot. They have never seen a deer with a shredded heart run a hundred yards. They have seen shoot-em'-ups on television and movies. Many of us do not have the proper "respect" for what adrenaline can do and most have not witnessed the damage a person on PCP can withstand and just keep going!

If a 150 pound deer can be shot through the heart with a .30-06 180-gr. expanding bullet at 2700 ft/sec and keep moving, should we expect that a 200 pound human hit with a 180-gr. expanding forty-caliber bullet at 975 ft/sec to be instantly incapacitated?

I believe it's an unrealistic expectation to assume that any defensive pistol cartridge will deck a human being as though struck by lightning. It will happen on some occasions, but not all and probably not the majority.

Handguns are not death-rays; despite what you see in the movies, the vast majority of people shot with handguns survive (over 80%). Handguns are weak compared to rifles and shotguns, and thus you want every edge you can get. Great ammunition is no more expensive than mediocre ammunition, so carry the best. Rifles and shotguns have stopping power to spare; handguns do not. Thus you must select your handgun load very carefully, and the detail of the handgun ammunition section reflects this.

Hollowpoint ammunition is NOT more lethal than ball (full metal jacket) ammunition. You may have seen media hype about "killer dum-dum bullets" but this is nonsense. Hollowpoint bullets usually expand and stop in the human body, and thus the attacker absorbs much more of the bullet's kinetic energy than if the bullet had merely zipped through him and left two small holes. Hollowpoint ammunition is also safer for all parties concerned.

* You are safer because your attacker is more likely to be incapacitated after one or two shots and thus unable to fire back, stab you, or whatever. The decreased likelihood of your attacker dying from hollowpoint bullets saves you the moral and legal complications and expense you will experience from killing a man.
* Innocent bystanders are safer because hollowpoint bullets are less likely to exit the attacker's body and go on to injure anyone else. The ricochet danger is also much lower than that of ball ammunition, and hollowpoint bullets are less likely to penetrate walls or doors and strike uninvolved third parties. Furthermore, if your foe is incapacitated quickly he won't be spraying wild bullets around, endangering uninvolved third parties.
* Lastly, your attacker is safer because he is far less likely to die from one or two hollowpoint bullets than the five or six round-nose slugs you would have had to fire to put him down. Most gunshot deaths occur from shock and loss of blood, and ball rounds tend to make entry and exit wounds, whereas hollowpoints go in and stay put. An attacker shot twice with ball ammo will probably have four holes in him rather than two, and is thus in far greater danger of death from blood loss. If you can avoid killing your attacker you should, for both moral and legal reasons.

Now if you shoot someone with a 12 gauge shotgun load with 00 buck, chances are they will die.

The 12 gauge shotgun is the most devastating and lethal weapon yet devised for inflicting rack and ruin at close range. A safe bet for ammunition selection is to use the 2-3/4-inch 00 buckshot load. The impact of one of these shot shells is essentially equivalent to getting hit with a nine round burst from a submachine gun.

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Taitertots Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-29-09 01:48 PM
Response to Original message
4. Sentenced to 10 years, serves less than one
For attempted first degree murder!

How long before he walks back through the revolving door for violent sociopaths we call a prison system?
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proteus_lives Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-29-09 02:38 PM
Response to Original message
6. Leon McKinney needs to spend the rest of his life in prison.
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