This is my first posting in this forum. I have a list of links that are a source of information on the Internet. This will make the third time I say that I have commented on the the articles that appear at for several years. The following is a copy of something I already put up at under what I call "Victory by lists." I will leave it at that and do a copy and paste for what follows.
Some people might be interested in acquiring knowledge on the cannabis issue with information on the Internet. The first five things I would check out follow. The Canadian Senate Report is quite comprehensive. The first four things would get you a high school diploma with cannabis major and f you read the Canadian Senate Report that would make you a graduate on the level of a community college in cannabis.
1. The movie “Grass” - This movie will follow the history of cannabis prohibition with narrative by Woody Harrelson
2. The Emperor of Hemp - This movie is about Jack Herer that wrote the famous book that started the cannabis reform movement. His book is titled “The Emperor Wears No Clothes” and has an online edition
3. The Emperor Wears No Clothes - This is required reading for a basic base of knowledge to come to an informed decision on Cannabis Prohibition.
4. A Drug War Carol- This is a cartoon format that spins the story of Dickens to apply to the story of Cannabis Prohibition.
5. “Report of the Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs” This is the report from Canada by a Senate committee that is an authoritative text on the issues of cannabis that was released in August of 2002.
The 5 most important historic reports that all called for an end to criminal prosecution of cannabis follow. If you would read all five, you would be one of the few people in the world to do so, and you could consider yourself well educated on the cannabis issue. You would be a college graduate in the cannabis perspective.
1. Canadian Senate Report on Illegal Drugs- August 2002 - 2. Shafer Commission report known as The Report of the National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse - March, 1972- The La Guardia Committee Report - 1944 - 4. The.La Dain Commission report known as The Report of the Canadian Government Commission of Inquiry into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs - 1972 - 5. The Wootton Report from the UK in 1968 -