N.J. kids baseball league rejects Maplewood gun dealer's sponsorshipMAPLEWOOD -- Matt Carmel is a card-carrying member of the National Rifle Association who lives here, a left-leaning suburban basin with annual "Be About Peace" days.
He has had polite differences of opinion over the years, evidenced by signs on his front lawn reading "I’m the NRA and I Vote."
But now he’s really miffed. Carmel, a licensed gun dealer, applied to sponsor a team in the local Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken baseball league, using the name of his business — Constitution Arms.
He was rebuffed.
"Arbitrary, capricious and unfair," Carmel said of the perceived slight. "I don’t like being pigeonholed."
It all started in October, when Carmel, an NRA certified pistol instructor and licensed firearm dealer, sent a letter to the South Orange-Maplewood Baseball Committee, which oversees 120 softball and baseball teams with 1,250 children ages 5 to 15.
Since his 10-year-old son, Kalman, had played the season before, Carmel wanted to put up the $300 fee to sponsor a team himself.
But in an 8-1 vote, the volunteer committee said thanks, but no thanks.
"I voted against it," said Craig Gruber, secretary of the committee. "Personally ... given the nature of that business, I’m certain there’d be quite a bit of contention. We don’t need the headache. ... We have our hands full with deciding whether infield fly rules should be in effect for 9-year-olds."
To Carmel, the rejection flies in the face of the perception South Orange-Maplewood, which share a school system, is a proverbial big tent open to all ideas.
"Only if you agree with them," he said. "But if you don’t, the tent is not that big."
To Carmel, the "shooting sports" are as American as apple pie. The YMCA, for one, sponsors summer camps with rifle ranges, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association has a long tradition of collegiate-level shooting sports, such as riflery, he said.
Kate Schmidt, deputy director of The Baird, South Orange’s recreation agency, said the rule book for the Trenton-based Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken league "strongly advises meticulous care" in the selection of sponsors for the "welfare of youth."
"It’s pretty broad," she said.
http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2010/03/nj_kids_baseball_league_reject.html Personally, I see no problems with allowing a gun store to sponsor a youth baseball team.
However New Jersey is a very interesting state.
44 Charged by U.S. in New Jersey Corruption Sweep A two-year corruption and international money-laundering investigation stretching from the Jersey Shore to Brooklyn to Israel and Switzerland culminated in charges against 44 people on Thursday, including three New Jersey mayors, two state assemblymen and five rabbis, the authorities said.
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/24/nyregion/24jersey.html The odd thing to me is that states like New Jersey and cities like Chicago that have a reputation for corrupt government often oppose honest citizens owning firearms and create draconain regulations which discourage people from buying firearms.
I wonder if there is a correlation.
edited for title change