(without the sarcasm).
In some places, at least, women are driving the concealed carry trend (
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=118x300392 ).
Idjits rarely get concealed carry permits. Citizens who defend themselves with guns do very well:
Civilian Shooters
Another argument is that civilians are not skilled enough to use guns; they are likely to shoot innocents—or even themselves. This, while at least intuitively reasonable, is wrong.
Evidence pertaining to police use of firearms also indicates that civilians who use guns
for self-protection are actually less likely to shoot innocent parties than police officers.{42}
Civilians are safer in real life shootings according to several measures:
A nationwide comparative study conducted by Mr. Kates at St. Louis University School
of Law found that police succeeded in shooting, wounding or driving off criminals 68%
of the time, while 83% of the armed citizens succeeded; 21% of the officers and 17.8% of
the citizens were wounded or killed. Incidentally, 11% of the police shootings but only
2% of those by armed citizens involved innocent people misidentified as criminals.{43}
They are 1.22 times more likely to shoot, wound, or drive off criminals; they are 15% less likely to be wounded or killed; they are 5.5 times less likely to shoot the wrong person due to misidentification.
Much of this, at least, is a function of difficulty. Police must go to the felon, who is often strategically positioned; they are seldom attacked in their stations, while citizens often repel home invaders. Police go into dynamic and difficult situations where split second decisions are required. It is often hard to tell the innocent from the guilty. Citizens face little difficulty in knowing who is trying to rape, rob or kill them. Most violent crime also requires the perpetrator to get close, so close it is easy to shoot him. Gun battles with police are not always so intimate. Finally, a felon knows that a uniformed officer is armed, whereas a nice lady who produces a weapon may very well catch him flat-footed.
But even though this comparative data is no indictment of police officers, it definitely puts the overblown danger of citizen shootings in perspective.
Criminological studies also demonstrate that citizens are more likely than police to need a
handgun for self-defense. Particularly in urban areas, armed citizens annually encounter,
and kill, as many as three times more violent felons than do police. Using survey data
(collected, incidentally, not by the gun lobby but by anti-gun organizations),
criminologists conclude that instances of lawful defensive gun use by citizens each year
actually exceed gun misuse by felons.{44}
Simply put, honest citizens can, should, and have a right to defend themselves. Their active participation in their own security improves society.
Source and to see the footnotes: www.obamaonsecond.com
Sometimes science and intuition don't agree. The data says that citizens are safer than police officers and more effective. If you believe that putting more armed police on the streets is good for society, how can you deny that allowing more sane adults, after training and thorough FBI background checks, to carry concealed weapons is good?
Citizens are safer and more effective in shootings, and cost the taxpayer $0.00.