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Downstairs neighbor shot Latin jazz icon Eddie Palimieri's wife because heels 'made her go beserk'

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RamboLiberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-26-10 05:35 PM
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Downstairs neighbor shot Latin jazz icon Eddie Palimieri's wife because heels 'made her go beserk'
Edited on Fri Mar-26-10 05:36 PM by RamboLiberal
The high heels made her do it.

An 81-year-old Queens woman jailed for shooting at the wife of Latin jazz legend Eddie Palimieri was tormented by a constant click-clack from above, her husband said Friday.

"They made enough noise to make her go berserk," Rafael Cartagena, 60, said before heading to Rikers Island to visit with wife Maria.

He said graze-wound victim Iraida Palmieri, 73, deliberately walked in high-heeled shoes at 1 a.m. to aggravate the Cartegenas - and regularly pounded on the floor despite requests to stop.

"They drove her to this situation by the constant banging on the floor," he said. "They did this to drive us nuts."

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An 81-year-old Queens woman tried to kill Latin-jazz great Eddie Palmieri's wife, shooting her in a dispute fueled by jealousy, noise complaints and ethnic tensions, authorities said.

Geriatric gunslinger Maria Cartagena fired once at Iraida Palmieri, 73, grazing her head Tuesday night near the elevator in their Forest Hills condo building, officials said.

"Move over or I'm gonna kill ya!" she repeatedly yelled before pulling a .38-caliber revolver from a fanny pack and firing once, according to law enforcement sources.

Cartagena believed Iraida Palmieri had made romantic advances toward her husband, Rafael Cartagena, 60, a source said.

Rafael Cartagena, a city bus driver, denied a romance with the victim, saying the feud was really about noisy neighbors.

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hlthe2b Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-26-10 05:43 PM
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1. well, I don't condone the shooting, of course... but damn...
I know what they mean about the constant loud clickety click of high heels...As a female who once wore them (BRIEFLY), they even annoy ME! I sympathize.

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Skink Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-26-10 05:48 PM
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2. I once had this crazy old lady living downstairs.
she called the cops once on me at 3 am because I was supposedly making noise even though I had been asleep for hours.
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