Edited on Sat Mar-27-10 04:00 PM by GreenStormCloud
My renewal class had only eight of us in it, while the class for the initial license had about twenty, including several women. Sorry that I don't have an exact count. I asked the instructor if they had seen a strong increase in new applicants. He said that the range had doubled the number of instructors from what they had the same time last year, but that lately the number of new applicants had begun to decrease from the earlier peak.
Due to the cost of ammunition I haven't been practicing like I would want to. Yesterday I set up a target at a friend's place where I sometimes shoot. I was astonished to find my groups were wide open and centering to the left, and my gun was jamming about every 2nd or 3rd round. I changed to a different handgun and there were no jams, but my groups were lousy. Then I figured it out. I was limp-wristing the gun. The second gun was heavy enough that it compensated for being limp-wristed and didn't jam. By remembering the shooting fundamentals I got a tight group, but had no more practice ammo.
Today, on the test, I used the gun that had not jammed yesterday, and a firm solid grip. Fifty rounds, 20 at 3 yards, 20 at 7 yards, and 10 at 15 yeards. Good tight groups that overlapped until the center was shot out of the target. Just a big ragged hole in the middle, with a few holes close by. The "X" was completely shot out.
I picked up a new tip. If you have to disarm and lock your gun in the trunk of your car, take the magazine out. Most crooks are stupid and lazy. If they break into your trunk and steal the gun, they often won't be able to get a new magazine. Many new auto-loaders won't fire without a magazine, so he can't even use it for a single shot.
The class discussed open carry, and most of us felt like we would perfer to keep our guns concealed. We felt like open carry was just too much advertising.
As soon as I send the forms in to the state I will be good to pack for another four years.