Wasn't he supposed to start blasting away at the bad guys, filling them full of lead, then stand over their limp bodies and pump more lead into their heads?
That's what anti-gunners insist us evil gun owners do.
Again, respectfully, this is a strawman. Find someone who actually says that.
Moreover, here is an *anecdotal* case of a gun owner, blasting away at the bad guys, filling them full of lead, and then (after calmly walking around the prostrate bad guy to go to a drawer and reload), standing over the limp body and pumping more lead into his head.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-C-f8Tmh_o8The non-bloodthirsty pro-gun response? Surely not an instantaneous overreaction to the perceived injustice of prosecuting someone for coldly murdering an unconsious, un-armed teenager, and proposed legislation with a hyper-macho theme.
Cause that would be crazy.
OKLAHOMA CITY — Legislation pending in the House would expand the state’s “Make My Day” law to businesses supporters say.
Senate Bill 2257 would make it lawful for business owners to use force to defend themselves and their property, according to the Senate media office.
Sen. Joe Sweeden, D-Pawhuska, said he wrote the legislation in part as a result of an Oklahoma City case last year in which pharmacist Jerome Ersland shot and killed would-be robber Antwun Parker at the Reliable Discount Pharmacy. Parker fell after being shot once, and then Ersland shot him several more times. http://www.tulsaworld.com/news/article.aspx?subjectid=16&articleid=20100319_11_0_OKLAHO77425:)