In reading the zogby survey via link in another thread, it became clear that theres too many questions to discuss them all in one thread.
Lets forget that Zogby is a Democrat, or that O'leary is a puke. Lets discuss question and result.
This one seems pertinent to J/PS:"In order to gauge the public’s shifting attitude on gun control we asked:
“Which of the following two statements regarding gun control comes closer to your own opinion? Statement A: There needs to be new and tougher gun control legislation to help in the fight against gun crime; Statement B: There are enough laws on the books. What is needed is better enforcement of current laws regarding gun control.”
Voters nationwide believed by a 66% to 31% margin that there are enough laws on the books and what is needed is better enforcement of current laws. These results are largely consistent with the results of the survey conducted in 2000 in which we asked a similar question. Current members of the military and their families and veterans agreed with this position by a slightly higher margin of 70% and 71%, respectively. In terms of race, 69% of whites, 56% of Hispanics and 47% of African Americans agreed that enough laws are on the books. Asians, however disagreed and thought that more laws were needed by a 76% to 24% margin."
"Only liberals were of the majority opinion that more laws were needed by a margin of 53% to 44%. Moderates, however, were solidly in favor of enforcing the current laws on the books by a 62% to 34% margin. Conservatives were overwhelmingly in favor of enforcing current laws. Catholics and Protestants felt there were enough laws on the books by a 63% to 35% and 71% to 26% margin respectively. Jewish and Muslim voters, on the other hand, felt more laws were needed by margins of 58% to 42% and 88% to 12%.
By a margin of 80% to 17%, gun owners felt enough laws were on the books while non-gun owners agreed albeit by a narrower margin of 54% to 42%."