I know this neighborhood. Right wingers like to come in from the tearacist ring around Atlanta and 'harass the hippies.' Notice the guy with the guitar case. He was probably just trying to make a few bucks when these guys killed the mood.
From anti-Obama site: ammoland.com
This is their 'Restore The Constitution' logo.
Impromptu Restore The Constitution Pistols Only Dry Run
Atlanta, GA --(Ammoland.com)- Recently, a few other Atlanta area RTC’ers and I found time to do a little impromptu “min-RTC” or “dry run” at Little Five Points, Atlanta, the site for the upcoming 30 October rally.
This was put together by phone with literally two hours notice, and the purpose was simply to begin preparing for the eventual rally that will be larger in size and include slung rifles and more signage.
As the above picture shows, the Little Five Points location has a lot of foot traffic with what could be described as a “walking street.”
We did all this with no demonstration permit, and it’s actually quite common for folks to set up shop right there on the street with banners, tables, flyers, etc.