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Kerry's website and the War on Drugs

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Virgil Donating Member (410 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-23-04 12:38 AM
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Kerry's website and the War on Drugs
Kerry has forums at his website. For people that do not want the War on Drugs to be left out of the discussion in this election might want to voice that opinion in this thread I wrote this in about 10 minutes and am not changing even the mistakes.

The announcement has been made that GW Phamraceuticals in the UK will finally be allowed to go on the market in the second quarter of this year. The approved use of this will be for MS. There is a group of people that have seen that those that wanted cannabis for MS received such medicine in chocolates. This organization is called thc4ms.

Now the canvas I paint on says that cannabis should be legal. The canvas Kerry paints on says cannabis should get you arrested, convicted, and branded. So to me, I see the idea of legalizing cannabis for medicine as a result of the prohibition that Kerry has supported his whole life in the Senate.

On my canvas all the research that will now go on for twenty years to mine the secrets of cannabinoids would have proceeded and we would already know much of the potential. Kerry has supported the stonewall approach that says we have done 10,000 studies and we do not know of such properties. Why did he not call for the $28 billion annual budget of NIDA truley search for answers?

The idea of cannabis not having medical value is absurd to start with as it has a long history of use in medicine. To sit in the Senate and not call for true study is all but criminal and he has a history of disservice to the country in this regard.

In 1971 Nixon called for a War on Cancer. In 1974 they found that cannabis actually could cut off the blood supply to cancer tumors. Of course it was buried in the media and the government tore up study after study that had all shown promise and helped bring about the first medicial cannabis laws of the 1970's and 1980's. It made a rebirth in medicine and Kerry was there while it was murdered.

There is still a federal program that supplies 7 patients with some crappy cannabis out of Mississippi that got closed down because government saw it was going to be flooded by AIDS patients. The whole position of the government on that is just part of the secrecy program that only gets interrupted for the lies needed for demonization.

At what point is Kerry going to call for some real talk about freedom for behavior that has no victim. And in that you can bring in prostitution and gambling. Good grief the states bad mouth gambling and then they monopolize it. But to return to the cannabis issue, the government does not have a policy about cannabis. It has an attitude. Any claimed position is completely disingenuous.

I can tell you know the position that cannabis should be a Schedule 1 narcotic is absurd as not only does it not meet all three criteria and is not a narcotic anyway, it does not meet any of the criteria. And then remember many of us feel it should have been legal all the time.

When is Kerry going to come clean on the WOD and on how he justifies the extreme harshness of the laws that inflict many multiples of harm thn cannabis ever could? When is he going to get real? When is he even going to talk, much less talk sense?

He has been there. I have seen the video on the Internet where he was on the Kerry Commission and spoke to the issue of the USG being involved in bringing cocaine in this country. The Kerry Report was a whitewash on this issue.

I want to know what he is waiting on in coming clean. In the last election , Gore and Bush agreed not to discuss the WOD including the insanity and freedom-robbing policies on cannabis that make medical marijuana debate something that still goes on.

Why does he not raise the failure of the WOD and the insanity to continue the failure? When is he going to talk sense or is he going with the silence and lying routine. I am tired of hearing drugs, drugs, drugs. I want to hear "Prohibition, black market, imposed civil war in Colombia."

I want to hear what he thinks of the 9th and 10th amendments in my Constitution that a president is supposed to defend and not the one past presidents including Clinton did not respect because of their warped vision of the WOD.

Now here is your test on the Kerry position on cannabis and also the War of Insanity the politicians call the War on Drugs.

Will Kerry

A) be silent
B)be disingenuous
C)be silent and lie until silence can be resumed
D)talk sense
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Virgil Donating Member (410 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-24-04 04:09 PM
Response to Original message
1. They locked this thread
Edited on Sat Jan-24-04 04:13 PM by Virgil
Kerry is just another drug warrior that has sat in the Senate and supported the drug wars all these years even after he chaired the Iran-Contra Committee that produced the Kerry report that whitewashed the USG involvement in bringing cocaine into this country.

Kucinich is the only candidate that would even want to talk about the WOD as the other candidates rely on boilerplate to bore people out of the discussion of the topic. I take Dean over any of the Senators because they supporters are of the current position and went along with that position while in the Senate.

The thread at Kerry's website forum did not praise him for his position on the WOD and was locked. The answer to the above question at the end of the comment is A. Kerry is for silence. The thread is locked and so is my support. Kucinich first. Dean second. Everyone else is same old, same old, but now it is my turn to enrich my people.

From -

The Drug Warrior's Pledge:

"I Pledge Allegiance to the Drug War of the United States of America, And to the Hypocrisy for Which It Stands, One Notion, Under Czar, Indefensible, With Incarceration and Injustice for All." - Thomas Paine

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1a2b3c Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-24-04 07:51 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Kerry is just another drug warrior
Kerry is just another drug warrior that has sat in the Senate and supported the drug wars all these years

I clicked this thread just to see what was happening. The thread title made it seem like Kerry could be anti war on drugs and i just had to see what kind of bullshit the Kerry Campaign was spreading. We all know that the only political figures who would take a stand and have the balls to end the war on drugs are third party politicians who dont stand a chance in hell of winning. All others just smile and give speeches while there pockets get fatter. Kerry is just the same as the rest of them. I am voting third party again. Fuck the corrupt 2 parties running this country.
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Virgil Donating Member (410 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-24-04 08:44 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Kucinch is different
The only one that is different is DK. Of course the media whores and the powers that be cannot live with him discussing the WOD and do everything to marginalize him.

But I agree with you on the two party system that now says you can have your pick of Nazis. I will about have to vote for the Democratic candidate because Bush is fascism on steroids instead of the normal hell with a more perfect union and up with wealth. I will vote for every third party candidate outside of Prex and Congress, if I can come to vote for a Nazi while pretending it a better public good has anything to do with it.

All the Senators are slime.
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Virgil Donating Member (410 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-24-04 10:16 PM
Response to Reply #1
4. Now they reopened it
Somebody named Sandra unlocked the thread. It does not make any difference to me. Kerry has sat in the Senate and the drug war has marched on. He does not mention harm reduction as policy instead of the drug warrior approach under a criminal justice model.

It is not that the WOD is the only issue. It is just that it is absolutely telling. To say that the black market and the corruption that comes with it is better than Free Cannabis is stupid. The only way to advocate that position is for the advancement of a police state or an industry group like the pill companies, the alcohol companies, or the timber or oil industries. CP is unAmerican and it is wrong. It is more than wrong- it is obviously wrong.

Screw the Senators that have not already taken to the Senate Floor to denounce the fascists definition of freedom. I might have to vote for a Democratic nominee for president, but I can live with a third party candidate in every other vote.
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Liberal Classic Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 02:01 PM
Response to Original message
5. I predict that
The Dem who takes the nomination will be a drug warrior.

No matter who is in power expect more of the same.
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1a2b3c Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-27-04 12:48 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. Very true
Only this election everyone wants to vote out Bush. And who do they want to vote him out with? THe lesser of the 2 evils. Im voting third party again. My voice is probably better heard voting for the greens in a time when everyone wants to vote for the lesser evil.
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