Sunday January 25, 2004
Rolling up a joint in the toilet of St Paul's Cathedral isn't my usual Friday morning habit but it seemed as good a place as any to start testing the confusion over the Government's new cannabis laws.
At Tate Modern, I buy a coffee and ask if I can smoke. A waiter points to the balcony. 'You can go out there,' he says.
I produce my mammoth spliff. There is a gasp from the schoolboys in the queue behind me. Can I smoke this? I ask. He barely hesitates: 'Of course,' he says with a sweet, complicit smile. 'It's a nice view out there to relax with.'
I try for a second opinion and target a doctor and nurse. Perhaps less hardened to the unpredictable demands of the public, the nurse doubles up in hilarity when I produce the joint.
'I don't see a problem: the law has changed, hasn't it?' says the doctor. 'You should probably be discreet though; choose somewhere quiet.' As I move away, the nurse turns to the doctor: 'It was polite of her to ask though, wasn't it?'