I hear different versions of this query , and with it being so intricately woven into so many squabbles, felt it in need of some clarification . For me , the friction comes from a difference in perspective .
Growing up in rural South Texas and having just caught the tail end of the ward schools , an image like this says to me.
"You've come a long long long long long way baby ! " He is a full citizen and is not required to mock up or shut up anymore .

And seeing as how black folks weren't even allowed in the Mexican ward schools where they were shitting in a box (1) not 30 feet from a sewer main* , I see his photo and can't help but grin . He is a citizen like me , I wouldn't shoot me . Neither will he . So I grin . To immediately assume otherwise is irrational and illogical but justifiable bigotry to me . Even if he were an avowed "Maoist Fuckstick" , intent that we only need 100 million people to run this country so "a few" (2) will have to go . I would still grin as we are still truly free . Imagine if he were to do that in Progesso even before La Violencia .
Here is one not 500 yards from my house , in the right foreground . Our glazier now lives in the white high school in the background . 4 rows of brick , 15 foot ceilings and his wife is completely enamored with it . Ironically enough they are Hispanic and had no idea about "the rest of the story" until I filled them in . It got a little misty , but I dont think they noticed as I pretended to sneeze .
On to perspectives , or more importantly , the cubist perspective recently employed .One could crop his head from a photo taken from an angle where his hands are obscured , and then blink the photo on the boob toob every 15 minutes , for days , while basting it with breathless racist innuendo . This will lead those more tightly strung to come to a completely different conclusion . Drug along by their noses in fact . It is pity as I was curious if his eyes had been aligned with the vertical as well .
The difference to me in brandishing and carrying becomes a matter of stowage
See above for lawful carry and below for " brandishing" . A very old concept .

Smoldering cannon fuses in your hair are strictly optional.
footnotes and a correction
(1) I have photos of said shitter and sewer main as well ,if need be . It is completely full so I have to make a correction ,as they were shitting on the ground , not in a box .
(2) I don't grin long , especially if it turns into "kill they babies"