The Storm Clouds are gathering, a icy chill is starting blow. Time for us real Democrats, to steel ourselves for the battles ahead, I have a feeling we will know in a matter of hours whether or not we are dealing with a "tempest in a tea cup", or a F5 Tornado. I am seething with anger to even be put in the position I find myself in, I have worked for over a decade to "rehabilitate" our image among the voters, with much success I might add. From the damage done back in the early 1990's. I am pissed to see almost as if someone snapped their fingers and "undone" all the good will I have EARNED in Virginia go up in flames. Actually, no joke, I was beginning to relax, with Heller, and McDonald cases, and steady stream of continued victories in State Legislators in the vast majority of this nation. I was even entertaining the idea of hanging it up, and considering the "war" finally won, even the vanquished realized it. But the vanquished is like a vampire, and after feeding on Innocent victim's blood, it "feels" rejuvenated, and is using the same broken record from the past 20 years again. Helped along by their allies in the mass media, we find ourselves in the current situation.
If Obama brings up gun control (like Republican's Sara Brady, Paul Helmke, Michael Bloomberg, and FORMER republican Caroline McCarthy want him to. It will be broadcast to the nation...It will be played over and over on Faux News, CNN and MSNBC, and most "voting gun owners" will be aware of it...And it will infuriate them to no end, and rightly so. Even if the bullshit legislation does not pass (it won't) the damage will be done, and the message will be clear...
...The Democrats want to take your guns....
Making mear transfer of magazines (not clips) is a de-facto ban..
The politicians know, that the only "real" supporters of gun control anymore are those in the mainstream media, and old battle axe Representatives that still like to remember the glory days of 1993..
Times has changed...It is no longer 1993.....With a anti-gun congress and senate, a weak NRA, and a few demoralized gun rights activists, with public opinion against them, and states one at a time getting more and more strict..
It is 2011...With a very strong NRA, several other STRONG gun rights groups, OVERWHELMINGLY PRO GUN Congress, and a filibuster proof majority in the Senate, thousands of grass root activists, all working in concert together like a well oiled machine, with public opinion, 40 state shall issue CCW, a general liberalization of gun control laws in the states, and recent court victories backing them up..
No, it is not 1993,4, or 5 any more, when Bill Clinton said THIS in his state of the union address.
"I don't want to destroy the good atmosphere in the room or in the country tonight, but I have to mention one issue that divided this body greatly last year. The last Congress also passed the Brady Bill and, in the crime bill, the ban on 19 assault weapons. I don't think it's a secret to anybody in this room that several members of the last Congress who voted for that aren't here tonight because they voted for it. And I know, therefore, that some of you who are here because they voted for it are under enormous pressure to repeal it. I just have to tell you how I feel about it.
The members of Congress who voted for that bill and I would never do anything to infringe on the right to keep and bear arms to hunt and to engage in other appropriate sporting activities. I've done it since I was a boy, and I'm going to keep right on doing it until I can't do it anymore. But a lot of people laid down their seats in Congress so that police officers and kids wouldn't have to lay down their lives under a hail of assault weapon attack -- and I will not let that be repealed. I will not let it be repealed."
Yea... "chuckles" I am proud to say, I helped show one of those "reps" the door back in 1994.
I am a supporter of Obama, but I cannot stomach the idea of helping get the vote out for him 2012, or phone banking, if he starts pushing gun control.. If he does, I have had it. I will not deal with the abuse of trying to explain to my voters, that HE will not restrict there RIGHTS, if he gives lip service to Republican's Sara Brady, Paul Helmke, and Bloomberg in the State of the Union.
And thats all it will be, because for damn certain nothing will get passed...
The gun rights community is going to DEFCON-5, People are getting out their mailing lists, fax numbers, printers, and phone books ready for action, even the pro gun legislators will be getting mail/calls/certified letters and personal visits to "re affirm" their opposition to Gun Control.
The grassroots are stirring.. And when that happens politicians pay attention.