the debate begin. It has been a strangely muted one in New York City. Not much has been said about the source of the gun used by the multiple murderers at the Flushing Wendy’s. I saw one throwaway reference to the fact that it had been originally sold out of state, coupled with the traditional New York City complaint that all our crime problems originate in states run by hunters, militia members and other Second Amendment snake handlers. The complaint was halfhearted, however, because the gun had been resold (illegally, of course) in New York City. So some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation can’t prevent a black market in firearms here. The gun controller’s solution? Make guns illegal everywhere in America. Why not? It works with cocaine. Works with cocaine, he is cracking me up
Rosie O’Donnell got some attention for her hypocrisy on gun control, but not nearly as much as she would have if she’d been, say, a randy evangelist. Ms. O’Donnell was the celebrity emcee of the Million Mom March against guns in Washington, D.C., and she believes, "You shouldn’t buy a gun anywhere." Turns out Rosie has, yes, armed bodyguards. Where do they get their guns–on the black market? As a TV star, Ms. O’Donnell is, of course, subject to stalkers and weirdos; but as a resident of Greenwich, Conn., she is not exactly on the firing line. Call her net threat quotient middling. Yet here is Miss Big Star, telling the average peasant how he (and she) may or may not defend themselves, while she is surrounded by samurai.
It is not clear that the employees of Wendy’s would be alive or uninjured today if the manager had had a gun. The crime depended on one of the alleged murderer’s knowing his future victims and bluffing them into ill-judged obedience. But shouldn’t it be easier for store owners in New York City to get gun permits than it is for gun banners in Connecticut to hire their own thin blue lines? Before we put on airs about Times Square shooting galleries, let’s think about how well we protect the public.
And there you have it. The hypocrisy of the gun controller. You shouldn't be able to buy a gun, but i can sure afford to hire someone to protect me with a gun.