Edited on Wed Feb-11-04 12:48 PM by waylon
Due to a recent increase in domestic violence, a proposed ban on pillows is being drafted.
After an extensive 3 hour study, it has been determined that the rise in sibling squabbles is directly connected to the presence of pillows in the home. We here at the Stop Law Abiding Citizens Kooperative! (SLACK) are very concerned with the prevalence of unlicensed, unregulated pillow ownership and use.
We believe pillow owners are, by nature, not capable of responsibly owning a pillow without having first been thoroughly qualified by a federal qualification test, muliple fees, and ongoing harrassment by those who do not own pillows. Although the current pillow legislation in regards to adolecsent indiscretions is not being enforced, we believe more legislation will fix the problem. We also believe future legislation will be needed to enforce current legislation, but that legislation requires further study by our self appointed council on pillow safety staffed by non pillow owners. Again, we are not certain as to why adolescent aggression continues in spite of our current legislation, but we are certain that law abiding citizens are responsible for it.
We are committed to taking pillows out of the home in an effort to make the public safer and more civil. We feel that pillows are dangerous, unnecessary, and lead to further violence on siblings like, wrestling, slap fights and wedgies! We are proposing legislation to restrict size, weight, and density of materials used in current pillow manufacturing. Further, we will propose mandatory background checks on all individuals who wish to purchase a pillow. This full body cavity search/background check will be performed by John Ashcroft himself.
Failure to comply with the new regulations will result in fines and prison time. (Note: the offending siblings will not suffer any discipline but, we believe they will be magically inspired to behave appropriately because they no longer have the tools to act out on their aggressive behavior. After all, we really cannot control criminals or adolescents, but we can punish law abiding citizens and parents.)
All individuals wishing to purchase a pillow will be assumed irresponsible until proven otherwise. Remember, although you have a constitutional right to own pillows, we can, and will re-write the Consitution at any time should we feel "threatened" in any way.
Thank you for your mandated cooperation