Mexican border states.
While I am a NRA member I don't always agree with their positions on gun control issues.
Seriously, if I walked into a gun store and wanted to buy five or ten assault weapons I would appreciate it if the government was notified. I even would be willing to explain my purchases to a government agent. I don't even live in a border state.
I might buy one or two firearms if there was a great sale, possibly three.
What I have serious problems with is the ATF allowing suspicious people to buy a large quantity of firearms after being notified by the owners of the gun store.
Project Gunrunner, an ATF operation run amok 10:51 AM on Thu., Mar. 3, 2011 This CBS News report from Sunday offers a troubling look at a sting operation by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms that appears to have gone badly awry. The operation allowed thousands of weapons to be purchased by gun smugglers in the United States and taken to Mexico, where they reached the hands of drug-cartel thugs. Some ATF agents deplored the operation, known as "Project Gunrunner," and they begged their superiors to shut the operation down. Those pleas were ignored.
Gun-shop owners recognized a suspicious pattern of purchases (even your most wild American gun fanatic doesn't buy 575 AK-47 assault rifles). They phoned ATF to warn them that something strange was going on. They were told not to worry, ATF had it under control. emphasis added ***snip***
The alarming part of this story is not that Mexican drug gangs are using North Texas for their operations. This is old news, and the fact is, Mexican drug cartels have operations in every major U.S. city. We will see more and more of this activity in the future. What should worry everyone is that ATF deliberately allowed deadly military-style assault rifles, pistols and even .50-caliber Barrett sniper rifles to cross the border and reach the hands of some of the most crazed mass murderers on the planet.
Mexico should be outraged. Americans should be outraged. This kind of insanity has to stop. Now you can continue your rant against the NRA and the GOP if you choose but you have to realize that you will lose any credibility that you have if you support the ATF and oppose any investigation into their mismanagement and failure to do the job that they are supposed to do.
There is absolutely no excuse if the charges against the ATF management are true.
Every citizen of the United States should oppose the ATF management and its faulty handling of Project Fast and Furious assuming the charges are true and it doesn't matter what side of the gun control issue they are on.