A new law in Wisconsin may allow applicants for a concealed carry permit to take safety classes online.
The concealed carry bill was signed into law by Governor Scott Walker on Friday and because of a bit of legislative vaguenes, it may be possible for those seeking a permit to satisfy the safety course by enrolling in an online class. A provision in the new law mandates a firearms safety course be taken by all those seeking a permit allowing them to carry a concealed weapon. The law makes no mention of whether an online class would satisfy the coursework requirement.
There are other a number of such web-based instructional videos that comply with the education requirements of other states with similarly vague statutes.
For example, an agency of the state government of Maryland put together a 30-minute presentation and posted it online (see graphic above) for use by those seeking a concealed carry permit in that state. The video reportedly covers the use of firearms, including their maintenance and cleaning.