details surface in the days and weeks ahead about Friday's massacre in Norway and about Anders Behring Breivik, the man believed to have perpetrated the bloodbath, we will hopefully be able to make some sense of what now seems so unfathomable. However, even with the sketchy information uncovered in the immediate aftermath of the shooting/bombing, the crime and the accused fit the mass murder mold in many respects.
My Northeastern University colleague Jack Levin and I have studied countless mass killings over the past three decades. Certain characteristics are seen time and time again:
Mass killers do not just suddenly snap and go berserk. Rather these crimes are well-planned, methodical executions. Although there may be warning signs, including angry threats vocalized or uploaded, they unfortunately do not become clear until after the deadly fact.
Almost be definition, mass murderers are well trained and comfortable with their chosen weapon of mass destruction.
Guns are usually preferred, as bombs can be less predictable.