if Mexico built a wall along their northern border, they could more efficaciously interdict shipments of both arms headed south as well and southbound cash, and who knows, it might even put some of the the human slave traders that lead these poor people through the AZ desert in the summertime, leaving behind the sick and injured to die.
You know what pisses me off? Mention the US building a wall, and it's racist xenophobia. But what no one gets, up in Washington, 3000 miles from the carnage is that it's not about jobs anymore. The coyotes charge exhorbitant sums, then on the US side, cram drop houses (think small 3/2 with no AC) wiht 50 or 60 immigrants until they can be moved to locations further into the interior of the country. Instead, groups like La Raza have twisted it into some bullshit political cause. They don't give a flying fuck how many women are raped, or how many little girls get sold into prostitution-all they want is that sound bite.
I grew up in Phoenix. I've watched my city, my home, being overrun by gangbangers and sicarios working for La eMe. And they don't just do the human smuggling and selling of prostitutes, they like to use violence to ensure they get their cut. Kidnappings are popular-low risk of police involvment because everyone involved is an illegal immigrant. Not that the law south of the border is any better-corrupt cops, corrupt federales, corrupt city councimen. All of them offered plato o plomo. Silver or lead. You'll be paid in one or the other, but the payment in lead tends to be messy.
Also, you CANNOT WALK INTO A GUN SHOW AND PAY CASH FOR A MACHINE GUN, NO PAPERS, NO QUESTIONS. Only the extremely gullible and those with an agenda believe (or act like they believe) the idiotic line above to be gospel truth.
Why would a cartel pay 30+ thousand dollars for an M2 heavy machine gun (that's the one they love to trot out, belt fed, looks menacing, some mouthbreather will wail that it can shoot down airplanes from miles away. Horseshit.
If you can walk in to a gun show and purchase a full auto AK47 (preferably with an underfolding stock and non-pitted rifling, but full auto (meaning one pull of the trigger will continuously fire the gun until it runs out of ammo, I will reimburse you for the 400 dollars that the scaremongers say is all that one of these death machines cost. Plus, you'll have the story of the decade-it'll be like finding a unicorn with a t-rex's head and temperment. You could totally get the number from that hot barrista then.. :)