Teach kids "gun safety" when they're three years old, and they won't grow up to rob convenience stores with guns, mug people on the street with guns, control their wives and girlfriends with guns, kill their wives and girlfriends with guns, kill themselves with guns, use guns to administer their share of the drug trafficking market ............
Teaching and DEMANDING respect for women might have meant something in this case and a whole lot of others.
Zero tolerance for abusive behaviour toward girls and women is the starting point. Part of that is teaching that one does not intimidate or threaten or control or hurt one's female intimates with guns. In this case, dealing effectively with the other incidents of abuse and exploitation in this person's history would have been at least evidence of some effort, late though it might have been.
And taking effective measures to keep guns out of the hands of people who don't learn that lesson is another essential step.
I do love it when cretins like this one show their true colours, though. Morons and assholes. Well, I doubt the moron part, actually. Calculating. A window of opportunity for shoving the agenda was there, and he took it. His right-wing gun militant base will be nodding approvingly, even though they know as well as everybody else that his actions are beyond the pale.
link to the original thread again: