What new regulations would the gun-controllers create, and how would they work to address the problem of gun violence? Do they want to prohibit private ownership of firearms altogether? Many would like to ban handguns, without considering just what this would entail, what inequities of power would result, and what new, potentially dangerous, powers would have to be awarded to government to accomplish it. Like activists who want to ban pit bulls, the gun-control advocates remain relentlessly unspecific about what they hope to achieve.
If he really really really wanted to know what regulations gun control advocates advocate, I think he probably has a telephone and an internet connection and he could have asked a couple. He had no trouble finding a gun militant to ask.
Instead, he made shit up. "Do they want to prohibit private ownership of firearms altogether?"
I give up; who are "they", for starters? Is there some serious individual or organization advocating that private ownership of firearms be banned altogether? A person or organization, say, with the same public presence as the one he quoted from the gun militant side and his organization?
I'll answer that rhetorical question of my own: NO. So why is he asking his?
If he wanted to know what new regulations gun control advocates would create, ALL HE HAD TO DO WAS ASK ONE OR TWO.
Of course, the first thing he would have done was not use a bullshit bit of demagoguery like "gun controllers". Did he use any similar tell-tale terms for his "gun-rights advocates"? Well, that's one right there -- the whole "gun rights" garbage tells the tale pretty clearly.
The column has a veneer of genuine concern that is totally refuted by his refusal to be remotely honest about gun control advocates' positions -- the very positions that he is telling the Democratic Party to abandon! What sense does this make, exactly? WHAT is he telling the party to abandon? Something he chooses to portray himself as having no clue about?
Hand wringing, I thought you might know, is the practice of bemoaning what a person or organization is doing,
for its own good, when one does not have its best interests at heart at all. Cf. crocodile tears.
just what the hell is a gun militant?The word that applies here, of course, is "disingenuous".