First Wave White Feminists didn't give a fuck about black women or men. First Wave White Feminists treated black women like shit. First Wave White Feminists were opposed to giving black men the vote because it might not let the First Wave White Feminists get the vote. white women excluded black women from their organizations and denied them the right to participate in events because they feared that the racist attitudes of Southern voters would affect their support of the women's movement. One notable instance of black exclusion was at a Washington parade in 1913, when activist Alice Paul did not allow the black feminist Ida Wells-Barnett to march with the other white women; instead, Paul told her that she could march at the back of the procession with the other black women
The following is a post written by a Black Woman in response to an article about when Geraldine Ferraro stuck both feet in her mouth during the 2008 election.
From the Huffington Post. I saved it because it was such a great post about race and gender.
Obama Ferraro Race Flap Roils Race poster's handle was sophia33. Direct link to her post: Geraldine Ferraro did this week was no different than what too many white feminists have done to people of color for centuries in this country. When Ida B. Wells, a black feminist who also fought against lynching in the south, went to Alice Paul excited about joining the suffrage movement, Paul told Wells that her (Wells) participation in the suffrage movement would muddy the waters for women to get the right to vote. Essentially, because blacks did not have the right to vote, the white feminists did not want the black feminists to join with them because it would raise the issue of ALL blacks having the right to vote. One only need to read the writings of Paula Giddings and bell hooks or the essays of Angela Davis or Alice Walker to see how white women in the women's rights movement all but ignored the issues faced by women of color.
Second Wave White Feminism didn't give a fuck about anyone but themselves, either. As long as they got careers and got "fulfilled" they didn't give a fuck about the poor women of color who cleaned their fine homes, cooked their meals and cared for their children.
Then sophia33 speaks to the Hypocrisy of Second Wave White Feminism:
Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique is still heralded as having paved the way for contemporary feminist movement - it was written as if these women did not exist. Friedan's famous phrase, "the problem that has no name," often quoted to describe the condition of women in this society, actually referred to the plight of a select group of college-educated, middle and upper class, married white women - housewives bored with leisure, with the home, with the children, with buying products, who wanted more out of life. Friedan concludes her first chapter by stating, "We can no longer ignore that voice within women that says: 'I want something more than my husband and my children and my house." That "more" she defined as careers. She did not discuss who would be called in to take care of the children and maintain the home if more women like herself were freed from their house labor and given equal access with white men to the professions. She did not speak to the needs of women without men, without children, without homes. She ignored the existence of all non-white women and poor women. She did not tell readers whether it was more fulfilling to be a maid, a babysitter, a factory worker, a clerk, or a prostitute, then to be a leisure class housewife.
She made her plight and the plight of white women like herself synonymous with a condition affecting all American women. In so doing, she deflected attention away from her classism, her racism, her sexist attitudes towards the masses of American women. In the context of her book, Friedan makes clear that the women she saw as victimized by sexism were college-educated, white women who were compelled by sexist conditioning to remain in the home...
In essence, to many of the staunch feminists have always asked people of color and the poor to step aside so that they can have what they want. With the false promise that when they get in the power position they will not forget about the masses. That overtone is still present today. Hillary with her claim of making Obama VP is a perfect example. Too many of these staunch feminists are fine with equality as along as people of color are second fiddle to them. Ferraro's real rant is that, "Obama has no right to be ahead of Hillary." That is Hillary's assertion too. While not explicitly stated, that is the definite overtone. As a woman of color, I am not surprised by this. It is to be expected. Having worked in a corporate environment for many years, I experienced this elitism of white women in positions of power.
What First and Second Wave Feminism really ought to be called is Bored White Woman Syndrome.
It's so ironic that you try to claim the mantle of being "forced to the back of the bus" when THAT is exactly what White Feminists have done for so many years to others. What you are really trying to do is trade on White Privilege to get a White Woman elected President because you think you are OWED one. And let me clue you in on a fact:
White Women aren't owed a woman President. They were owed NOT one in 2008, and they won't be owned one in 2012. If anyone was owed anything it's Black Men. Black Men volunteered for every war the US ever fought, in an attempt to gain recognition as being equal to White Men.
In other words you are playing the White Feminist Privilege Race Card. White Feminists remind me of a warped version of Libertarian and Conservatism:
"As long as I have mine, fuck everyone else."