According to the documentation(emphasis mine)...
The FBI must have a reasonable suspicion to believe that the subject is a known or suspected terrorist(KST). To meet this standard the FBI must have "articulable" intelligence or information which, based on the totality of the facts and taken together with rational inferences from those facts, reasonably warrants a determination that the subject is known or suspected to be (or has been) knowingly engaged in conduct constituting, in preparation for, in aid of, or related to terrorism, or terrorist activities. There must be an objective factual basis for the nominator to believe that the individual is a KST. Mere guesses or "hunches" are not enough to constitute a reasonable suspicion that an individual is a KST.
Then please explain HTF journalists critical of the Bush administration ended up on the watch list? The document says was the document says, but nominations to the list have absolutely nothing to do with the guidelines set forth in the documentation. You piss someone off, your critical of their work, your a member of the wrong political party, etc... you can be arbitrarily added to the list and you have zero recourse against your government in getting your name removed.
You will forever have that hanging over your head, that you are a suspected terrorist because you dared question your president on why we went to war in Iraq, or you forgot to put double foam on a field agent's cappuccino. Every time you attempt to travel, every time you have an encounter with the police, try to re-enter the country from your vacation, the information that you are a "suspected terrorist" will come up. In every dealing that you have with the "authorities", this information will set the tone of that encounter. Gowd Bless Auhmerrka!