"Would I be claiming that said government orchestrated it all in order to drum up demand for gun control? Because the thing is, you see, that's what I keep seeing."
Well, in fairness, there are the following:
AFT agents told to "stand down" rather than "interdict". This is fact. Why were they told NOT to interdict (a KNOWN outcome of non interdiction in this case being guns they told dealers to go through with transactions on, would cross into Mexico), completely contrary to their mission as an agency?
Justice department stonewalling. This is FACT. Why is justice stonewalling?
And this:
But American authorities concealed one disturbing fact about the case from their Mexican counterparts: U.S. federal agents had allowed AK-47 assault rifles later found in the killers' arsenal to be smuggled across the border under the notorious Fast and Furious gun-trafficking program.
U.S. officials also kept mum as other weapons linked to Fast and Furious turned up at dozens of additional Mexican crime scenes, with an unconfirmed toll of at least 150 people killed or wounded.
Months after the deadly lapses in the program were revealed in the U.S. media — prompting congressional hearings and the reassignment of the acting chief of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives — top Mexican officials say American authorities have still not offered them a proper accounting of what went wrong.
Marisela Morales, Mexico's attorney general and a longtime favorite of American law enforcement agents in Mexico, told The Times that she first learned about Fast and Furious from news reports. And to this day, she said, U.S. officials have not briefed her on the operation gone awry, nor have they apologized.
http://articles.latimes.com/2011/sep/19/world/la-fg-mexico-fast-furious-20110920You have deliberate non-notification of Mexico, of fast and furious. Why?
You have the Denial:
MCMAHON: I totally agree with you, sir. That is not in the makeup of an ATF agent. We do not allow guns to walk. What we did in this investigation was investigating a large group of individuals that were breaking the law, and we were trying to put our case together so that we could actually make an impact.
http://findarticles.com/p/news-articles/political-transcript-wire/mi_8167/is_20110726/rep-darrell-issa-holds-hearing/ai_n57903903/pg_14/"we do not allow guns to walk". That was an obvious and clear 100 percent LIE to the American people. Why the lie?
Take whistle blower John Dodsons testimony in front of congress:
"what we were ordered to do every day, was watch these - the same guys, buy the same guns, from the same dealers, who WE told to make the sales, and then we'd sit back and wait for the traces, and when they came through from places in Mexico, where it was DEFINITIVELY related to cartels, they were giddy, they thought that that justified ...that that created their nexus from the straw purchaser to the cartel, however theres not a rookie police officer in this country that can explain to you how were going to make a case on them with that information".
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EupHuUQVzVoIf the information Mr. Dodson isn't useful for making a criminal case with, why would anyone be giddy about receiving it, and what WOULD it be useful for which might cause them to be "giddy" about receiving it? Remember what McMahon said above, about "trying to put our case together so that we could actually make an impact"? He was lieing. Dodsons testimony makes that crystal clear.
Why was he lieing, and what was the truth of the matter?
You have Obamas "under the radar" statement, which sure doesn't help matters any:
During the meeting, President Obama dropped in and, according to Sarah Brady, brought up the issue of gun control, “to fill us in that it was very much on his agenda,” she said.
“I just want you to know that we are working on it,” Brady recalled the president telling them. “We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar.”
http://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/over-a-barrel-meet-white-house-gun-policy-adviser-steve-croley/2011/04/04/AFt9EKND_story_2.htmlYou have Holder:
Whether he knew and did nothing, or did not know when it was his job to, Holder failed.
So far, he has not been asked to resign by Obama. Why?
You have the sealing of the Terry case, to witch veteran ATF agent Vince A Ccefalu comments:
Many of us in the Law Enforcement community are extremely troubled by the sealing of the Terry prosecution. As we all know, there is very little in the L.E. World which is truly sensitive or classified. No we DO NOT want to give away trade craft. No we DO NOT WANT to give away investigative strategies. However, when the government witholds information related to an extremely controversial and questionable investigation which has resulted in so many abuses and deaths, it is clear that its sealing can only be to secret such abuses. I have not been able to find anyone in Law Enforcement who has seen such an action in their entire career.
http://cleanupatf.org/forums/index.php?/topic/153-atf-operation-gunrunnerfast-furiousphoenix-division/Why was it sealed?
You have former U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke leaking documents which were withheld from congress in spite of subpoena, presumably to smear a whistle blower. Why?
http://www.usatoday.com/USCP/PNI/NEWS/2011-11-10-PNI1110met-burkeleakPNIBrd_ST_U.htmCombine those things with Holders signature on the amicus for DC, for the handgun ban, and against the second amendment, in the heller case, Holders statements about assault weapons before he was told to shut up by the administration, Obamas voting record and activity on the gun issue previous to being president, and the fact that certain positions in ATF are known to be "political" which in that agency equates to "anti-gun". Plus the recent edict attempting to require border gun shop to report certain long gun sales - which are no doubt based on violence in mexico with American guns, the supporting data of which, almost certainly contains elements from fast and furious guns...
What you get, from all of the above, is people speculating and drawing conclusions which are not at all implausible.
"I'd probably have to spend a week of 10-hour days just trying to sort the wheat from the chaff on this business, as it stands, and I just don't have the time or inclination."
What grounds do you have then, to denigrate, characterize as "rushing to judgment", or question in any way - people who most likely HAVE been paying attention to this since last january when it became public knowledge?
An honest position, is that nobody is beyond reproach where something like fast and furious and its ramifications and intent are concerned, and while I am not convinced that "said government orchestrated it all in order to drum up demand for gun control", I don't think such a conclusion or one similar to it (ATF did it independently to gin up more budget/power for example)can be moved into the category of implausible, either, based on evidence at hand.
Is that unreasonable?