reminding me not to read poorly written opinion pieces by people who don't know or research what they are talking about.
The bill is insane for so many reasons, but I'll give you just the important one. Gun laws in Montana, which has about six cowboys and a few horses and little else, should not be the same as gun laws in New York. And Florida. And other states with urban areas where gun violence is too commonplace.
Which has what to do with CCW? CCW and gun violence have nothing to do with each other. On the regional bigotry, this guy put it best:
icedtea at 10:56 AM November 27, 2011
Again Stein shows his elitist attitude by dissing Montana and those "flyover" states as though they are filled with single toothed, inbred morons. Well Stein, as a visitor to Montana I can tell you the people there are far more intelligent than you and your ilk. They are self sufficient and hard working people deserving of respect instead of your ire. You also constantly attack the other 90% of the state of Florida that live on farms and cattle ranches and raise the food you pick up at your local Publix. I don't see you doing any back breaking work accept dishing out smears from your comfy desk chair. Some of us out here in the Wild West feel the need to protect ourselves from the ever increasing home invasions and strong arm robberies occurring in our own backyards. We choose not to become the sniveling weakling you want us all to be in the face of crime. Maybe that works for you though.Great argument, except for one thing. The intent of cars is for transportation. The intent of guns is to kill. But real nice try, Cliff.
But cars are doing a better job of it. Besides, if I understand correctly, if you get a CCW in Germany, it is good in all of the states.
The Brady folks have compiled a list of the states with the strongest and weakest carry permit framework. Try real hard to guess which list we are on.
Sarcasm as literary device. Nice, so what makes Florida's laws weak?
Six states are on the Brady weak list. Florida is there, natch, although a place like Vermont actually seems worse. Just my opinion, but picking up your dry cleaning might be more arduous than getting a concealed weapons permit in Florida.
Vermont seems worse? Does he do any research? Does he know what is involved? How about if he actually looked up the laws and discuss them rather than bitch about someone else's opinion of them.
And there is a feeling that many folks — trained or untrained — will get their concealed carry permit in Florida, because it is so simple, and then go about playing with their beloved guns anywhere they want. Don't look now, but we could become the concealed carry permit capital of the country.
I have a feeling that this guy has the critical thinking and writing skills of the average ditto head.
This is also proof — as if more were needed — the gun nuts and conservatives are complete hypocrites. They blather about states' rights, how the states should be able to do what is best for them without interference from the hated federal government. But if it involves the chance to put more guns into the hands of who-knows-who, those same conservatives forget all about states' rights, and holler that the federal government is brilliant, and all states need to follow the same law.
Makes both sides equally hypocritical, if we are to accept over simplistic arguments.
Interesting. Six states allow same-sex marriage, but conservatives would implode if somebody said all states should recognize that. But more concealed weapons — yep, every state has to do it the same way, so gun crazies don't have to worry about laws that change from state to state
Did he steal some straw from a zoo? Actually, the full faith and credit should apply to same sex marriage. What that has to do with "gun crazies" I have no fucking clue.
The gun battle will continue, until gun lovers get their wish of every single American having a gun with absolutely no restrictions.
more straw
And if you want to know who will be in the middle of all that craziness, don't follow the money. Just follow the map of Florida.
And he can follow the map out.