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Men escape from jail - walk to another and ask for transfer in.....

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Pert_UK Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 08:18 AM
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Men escape from jail - walk to another and ask for transfer in.....
In case you missed this story elsewhere, it's genius....

"Two men who fled an open prison and knocked on the door of another jail asking for a stricter regime will not serve extra time.

Audie Carr, of Hereford, and Benjamin Clarke, from Gloucester, claimed Leyhill Open Prison in Gloucestershire was "rife with drugs"...

The pair were at large for 17 hours, having missed a roll call (at Lehill Prison) at 2030 BST on 9 March.

They walked through the night and turned up at Gloucester Prison around 1250 BST the next day...

Charges of escape from lawful custody against the pair were dropped at Gloucester Crown Court on Wednesday.

Judge Jamie Tabor QC agreed it was not in the public interest to prosecute the duo."

Basically, the pair of them had managed to beat drug addiction while serving time in the strict regime at Gloucester. As they neared release they got transferred to a low-security open prison, where unsurprisingly drugs were widely available. They asked to move back and got turned down, so they simply walked out and kept going for about 20 miles until they got back to their old prison, where they knocked on the door and asked to be let back in.

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iverglas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 08:54 AM
Response to Original message
1. so ...

"Judge Jamie Tabor QC agreed it was not in the public interest to prosecute the duo."

In the UK -- even if 11-year-olds could be prosecuted for criminal offences -- that kid wouldn't have been charged for taking the gun to the principal, right?


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slackmaster Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 09:07 AM
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2. Good for them!
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mosin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 09:57 AM
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3. Great story
Thanks for sharing it.
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Pert_UK Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 10:27 AM
Response to Original message
4. I meant to say........
These guys should milk this for all it's worth. They should use the media to help them get a job once they get out - who could ask for greater proof that they've done everything they can to reform themselves?

Fantastic. Good on them and BOO BOO to the prison service.

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slackmaster Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 11:26 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. I hope the publicity leads to some reforms
Leyhill Open Prison sounds like a trainwreck in progress.
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