The "courteous" enlighted gun wankers speak out with opinions ranging from ignorant and ugly to ugly and ignorant...with a brief stop at psychotic.
TNFrank: "
FOX news is saying that a judge has ruled that the bill stoping Partial Birth Abortion is "Unconstitutional", WTF, all the gun control laws passed in the last 100 years are Unconstitutional and that's not stopped them from being enforced. Now that they're trying to stop the killing of full term babies their saying it's Unconstitutional. What a load of horse crap. If Planned Parenthood can get this to court so fast why in hell can't the NRA get some of the gun control laws to court?"
Kbaker: "
Liberal judges support abortion, and support gun control. And, like it or not, the system has been bent to the point where "legislation from the bench" is the norm. Liberals like it. But then, it's liberals on the bench. That's why they so stringently oppose anybody Bush nominates."
Brohawk: "
When one of these liberal, legislating-from-the-bench judges makes a call about something like this partial-birth abortion bill being unconstitutional, I'd like to be able to demand that he show me chapter and verse. Of course, they can't. Saying it's unconstitutional doesn't always mean that it really is."
Seamaster: "
The great danger being that a liberal court will find that the 2nd is not an individual right. At which point we will be screwed."
TNFrank: "
OR we will take up arms and regain our country". "
Funny how many Pro-abortion people Swear up and down that life does not begin at conception...but then contend that we evolved from some single-cell amoeba after some mysterious matter went "bang."
JohnnyMcEldoo: "
"Funny how many Pro-abortion people...." are environmentalists to an extreme wanting to protect every living thing and its habitat."
sharky30: "
or that a lot of the pro abortion people are anti death penalty"
crashburnrepeat: "
this is not at all weird. It's almost the definition of liberalism; punish the innocent and pardon the guilty. Or tax the working and pay the non. Or, well, you get the idea."
Exmarine: "
I read today about partial birth abortion and frankly it made me ill. How can these tree hugging, save the animals, anti death penalty shit stains even think that this is right?!!?" "
Just went into Barnes and Noble and am blown away by the anti-bush and republican bashing books out there. I swear that there was one table with nothing but anti-bush stuff and another half dozen book shelves with nothing but anti-conservative shit. It was under the section of "war" which was kind of strange. It seems that writting anti-bush stuff has become a national pass-time. Is it really that bad or is it that the idiots with english degrees realized how useless college was? I tend to favor the latter and not the former. Although I am in the SF Bay Area, I am in a predominantly white/conservative area of the Bay."
007: "
Weird.....I too went to the "book store" was a "Border Books and Music" store. Same thing here, it was in the war section, although they didn't have a whole table devoted to it. They had one whole shelf sytem for conserv, and 2 for liberal srew-ball shit. The one for conserv. was cool, had Michael Savage book and Ann Coulter and some others. The Lib one had Michael Mooo...nure, and row upon row of Bush hating books, I saw everthing on the covers except one that said Bush was the devil........I'm sure I just missed it. They had the "Bush Haters Handbook" and "The Liberal Handbook" among others. I spent the next 2 hours transferring books from the conserv. section over 2 the Liberal section. I put Michael Savages book over that fat toads book and Ann coulters books over the BHH book. By the time I was done it looked like they had 3 bookcases of conservative books and no liberal shit, everone just left me alone even the few employees that walked by.....they probably just thought I worked there. Having done my good deed for the day I turned around and gave a thumbs up to the cctv camera watching me and walked out."
ClayP: "
Bookstores are the "Gay Bath-houses of the new Millenium." Always a bunch of people there cruising for ramrods. The only bookstores not so liberally polluted are the airport bookstores which have to sell to the gainfully employed clients."