australia homicides 1990 2000 produced quite an adequate supply of answers quite promptly. 1999-2000, a total of 300 homicide incidents occurred in Australia, perpetrated by 324 identified offenders and resulting in the death of 337 persons persons. In terms of rates, Australia recorded a homicide victimisation rate of 1.8 per 100,000 residents for 1999-2000. Figure 1 illustrates the rate of homicide from 1989-1990 to 1999-2000.
So already, we know that the rate in 2003 was lower than in 1999-2000: 1.6 vs. 1.8 per 100,000.
I can't reproduce the graph from the pdf document, but overall rates appear to have been fairly stable 1990-2000. (There are spikes and dips in the individual state rates, but actual numbers are small making trends difficult to assert.)
Again, I can't reproduce the graph: graph shows a peak in homicide rates between 1987 and 1991, from the looks of it, with quite a sharp decline thereafter.
The "international trends in homicide 1972-1998" is a good one. It shows Australia, Canada, New Zealand, England & Wales, United States, Germany and Japan, illustrating the rates (and decline/rise) for each country. Guess which country looks like the Empire State Building among a bunch of bungalows.
"Comparison of homicide rates in four countries 1974-1998" shows the changing rates for Canada, Australia, England & Wales and the US. After the peaks (apparently in 1988 and 1990), Australia's rate has declined gradually and steadily. (The US rate actually goes off the chart in about 1980, i.e. over 10/100,000.)
"Comparison of homicide rates in four countries 1974-1998 excluding homicides by firearm" shows Australia's non-firearms homicide rate pretty much flatlining after a dip in about 1992, from what I can tell.
"Number of homicide incidents per year", 1989-1999, looks like this:
1990 - 306
1991 - 323
1992 - 314
1993 - 331
1994 - 323
1995 - 327
1996 - 304
1997 - 298
1998 - 297
1999 - 327
(Australia's population was just over 14 million in 1990 and just over 17 million in 2000: US Census Bureau international database)
"Yearly distribution of victims by type of weapon", 1989-1999, shows a peak in firearms homicides in what looks to be 1996-1997 (figures are given for years that run from 1 July to 30 June).
So no one has the number of murders committed each year for the last 10 years in AU? Don't you think that would be a good start before making any decision at all?Surely you weren't suggesting that the Australian authorities did not have those numbers when they made whatever decision you might be referring to.
You just thought that somebody else should go fetch them for you? And there was I, with things to do away from the computer yesterday ...
Well, here are some. I guess now we'll just wait and see what you plan to do with them.