A sampling of what goes on at gun nut forums...
A racist joke from one of these ugly gumps draws an appreciative crowd of gun owners…
Bocephus: "
Leroy is a black 20 year-old 5th grader…."
python1340: "
Dis be funny shitznig xwing: "
Its so ttrue is scary...Didnt they want to teach ebonics in CA. schools because they were having trouble wit ingishhttp://www.glocksunlocked.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=9499Say, didn’t we have "pro gun democrats" telling us how kindly and courteous these idiotic fuckwits were? Sure we did…
Hfd: "
wanna have some fun ?, go fuck with these hippie treeshaggers..
used to be a good forum til the hippie treefuckers took over...
register and fuck them up ... http://www.glocksunlocked.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=9507And finally, Reagan-grief and mass delusion seizes some ditto-monkeys…
motown_steve: "
Is The King paying tribute to The Gipper?"
mhpoole: "
Anyone else see the face to the right of florida"
Penguin_101: "
Is it just me or is there a face by Kansas or Missouri?"
omar: "
It almost appears as a face looking down on Washington DC with arms spread."
fullclip: "
The face is over the great lakes region, kind of bowed, as in praying."