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Agree or Disagree: Time to Get a Gun

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Wickerman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-23-04 02:15 PM
Original message
Poll question: Agree or Disagree: Time to Get a Gun
Lyrics by Fred J. Eaglesmith - insert your own country twang and banjo.

He's a Canadian - IF anyone cares

Time To Get A Gun

My neighbour's car got stole last night
right out of his driveway
we heard the dogs a barking
we never paid them any mind

and Mary says she's going to lock the door
from now on when we go away
and I been walking around this farm
wondering if it's time

time to get a gun
that's what I been thinking
I could afford one
if I did just a little less drinking

time to put something
between me and the sun
when the talking is over
it's time to get a gun

last week a government man was there
when I walked out of my back door
he said I'm sorry to bother you son
but it don't matter anymore
'cause even while we're talking
well right here where we stand
they're making plans for a four lane highway
and a big old overpass

Mary says she worried about herself and the kids
she's never known anybody had a gun
and her daddy never did

but I think it should be up to me
'cause when it's all said and done
somebody's got to walk into the night
well I'm going to be that one

time to get a gun
that's what I been thinking
I could afford one
if I did just a little less drinking

time to put something
between me and the sun
when the talking is over
it's time to get a gun
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DBtv Donating Member (171 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-23-04 02:18 PM
Response to Original message
1. Already armed, not to defend against crime, but
to defend against right wing militias.
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ewagner Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-23-04 02:26 PM
Response to Original message
2. Never thought I'd say this
but I did stop off and look at guns last week.

Why? Because I think an economic collapse is statistically more likely than nuclear war. Because I am concerned that there will be social disorder if we have another disputed election.

I didn't buy it. But I sure as hell thought about it.
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Quint57 Donating Member (16 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-23-04 02:57 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. hmm....
Why? Because I think an economic collapse is statistically more likely than nuclear war. Because I am concerned that there will be social disorder if we have another disputed election.

Now this is an interesting observation. Social disorder is always a real possibility. It happened in LA and to a lesser extent after hurricane Andrew. Hell, it even happens after certain sports teams win or lose.

How do people that are truly anti-gun feel about defending one's life/property/business during social disorder? It would be foolish to rely on the police during these times so what are your thoughts on this?
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library_max Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-23-04 03:09 PM
Response to Reply #4
7. Depends on what you mean by social disorder.
Pretty much any kind of social disorder this country has ever seen (riots, etc.), the smartest thing was to stay inside (away from the windows) and lock the door. Lay low.

But if you really mean total kill-or-be-killed anarchy, permanent collapse of civilization, etc.? Then screw that. It's like the bomb shelter question. Do you really want to be one of the last couple hundred Americans left on earth? I don't. Of course, a gun would be convenient for easy-way-out.

But anyhow, it's a purely hypothetical question. Never happen on that scale. Of course, for some of us it's "social disorder" if our neighbor misses the driveway and leaves a rut in our lawn.
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Ganja Ninja Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-23-04 02:28 PM
Response to Original message
3. Already have several.
In case my drunken hillbilly neighbors wing a couple shots my way I'll have something to answer back with. Don't kid yourself it can and does happen. I've had drunken neighbors point guns at me on two occasions. Not for any offense simply because I was living near them.
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library_max Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-23-04 03:03 PM
Response to Reply #3
5. Curious.
Do you find that having "something to answer back with" makes your neighbors more inclined or less inclined to wing a couple shots your way?
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parasim Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-23-04 03:08 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. Good question
The whole gun debate in a nutshell.
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Wickerman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-23-04 03:44 PM
Response to Reply #5
8. Sure - seemed to work for the Hatfields and McCoys
Edited on Wed Jun-23-04 03:56 PM by lunabush
The origins of the feud are lost in the mists of history; there were already bad feelings between the two families in 1878, when a dispute over the ownership of two razor-backed hogs in a Hatfield pigsty provoked the first recorded incident of violence. The McCoys, upset when a court decision over the pigs went against them, ambushed a group of Hatfields who were deer hunting. No one was killed, but a few days later Staton Hatfield fired on two brothers, Sam and Paris McCoy, injuring one before he himself was killed by a single shot through the head


Soon Ellison Hatfield stirred from a drunken slumber, first to insult Tolbert McCoy, then to attack him. Tolbert and one of his brothers drew knives and stabbed Ellison; a third brother shot him.
Ellison, bleeding profusely from 26 stab wounds and a bullet in his back, was borne away. Anse and his kin quickly rounded up the three McCoys. Two days later Ellison died. The Hatfields tied the three boys, all sons of Ran'l, to pawpaw bushes on the Kentucky side of the river and pumped 50 rifle bullets into them.

Violence ebbed and flowed for the next several years. In 1886, for example, Cap hatfield shot and killed Jeff McCoy, who had earlier attacked his cabin.

The news of the successful action inflamed the Hatfields, who decided that Ran'l and anyone else who might testify against them in Kentucky courts must be killed. On January 1, 1888, nine heavily armed Hatfields lay seige to Ran'l's cabin. After a battle that lasted an hour the building caught fire. Young Alifair McCoy stepped outside to douse the flames, confident that the Hatfields would not harm a woman. She was wrong: The shot her in the stomach. As she lay screaming on the ground, her mother, Sarah, tried to get to her. "For the love of the Lord," she screamed, "let me go to my girl." A Hatfield pistol-whipped her until she lost consciousness.

gee, sounds like a bad Hollywood movie, Drunks with guns and in-breeding

edited to add link:
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Ganja Ninja Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 06:11 AM
Response to Reply #5
15. I don't let my neighbors know what I have.
If they knew one of them would try to break in and steal them. I'm not counting on my guns to be a deterrent. In order for someone to be deterred they have to have enough brains for self preservation. I'm talking Bush loving, marry their sister types here. Many of them have been arrested on more than one occasion and their kids too have been in trouble and are on probation.
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library_max Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 05:13 PM
Response to Reply #15
21. Then what good do they (the guns) do you?
You don't have a gun that shoots a force-field blocking incoming bullets, do you?
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The Flaming Red Head Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 09:16 AM
Response to Reply #3
17. Me Too
My drunken hillbilly neighbors have pointed guns at me and my son. I used to get upset now I just ignore them. I moved and now I guess they point them at the new neighbors.

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iverglas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-23-04 04:36 PM
Response to Original message
9. who?
I bet I should know who that is ...

PM: I see there's been some discussion on the Internet among the Fredheads about the song "It's Time to Get a Gun." Any comment?

FE: I didn't know that, I don't read that stuff.

PM: I just got clued in to it <by Allison Green, my Canadian music spy>. People want to know if it's satirical, is he serious, what's the deal...

FE: Do you know that song?

PM: Yeah, I do.

FE: Well, let me tell you what that song's all about.

I woke up one morning, and the neighbor's car had been stolen. We'd heard the dogs barking. My wife of the time said, "I think I'd better start locking the door."

I went outside and thought, "Geez, maybe I should buy a gun." And I wondered, "How can I afford one, I don't have any money right now. I been drinking a lot lately. I'm sure if I drank one less bottle of wine, that'd be ten dollars a week, I could afford one. Maybe it's time."

And then, I was thinking about the fact that I was living on this farm, and they were considering putting in this airport, and the highway was getting closer, and I was thinkin I could fend off those guys if I had a gun.

And I went in and told my wife, and she said, "Well, I'm not comfortable with this, because my father never owned one," and I said, "Well, it's me that's gotta go out there," and walked back outside and thought, "You know, this is the most ridiculous idea I ever had." But I wrote the song. So I don't even know myself!

Dang, I can't find a clip of that song. Or of another that caught my eye on one of his albums: "I Wanna Buy Your Truck".

Dang, Amazon doesn't have audio of Stompin Tom Connors, either. Sudbury Saturday Night, The Hockey Song, Tilsonburg ("my back still hurts when I hear that word"), Don Valley Jail, Bud the Spud ... and who could forget The Ketchup Song? (I haven't forgotten it, because I don't think I've ever heard it.) Ah, and a tribute to Canada's own Blue Berets: we be peacekeepers, not warmakers. And Live at the Horseshoe (Tavern), where the Stones are wont to play; the co-vivant's old watering hole, where he happened to be when they showed up a few years ago and stayed while they tuned up and then left, he's so über-cool.

Anyhow, back to Fred:

Fred Eaglesmith is a Canadian singer/songwriter/storyteller/comedian who reads books on nano-technology, likes machinery, and runs his farm entirely on wind and solar energy.
Canadian country singers ... there's just something not quite right about them. ;)

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Wickerman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-23-04 04:44 PM
Response to Reply #9
10. Fred is great - check out the lyrics to Lucille
Edited on Wed Jun-23-04 04:53 PM by lunabush
first, here is link to Time to Get a Gun.

He has an incredible sense of humor. I actually sat next to his wife (who sat next to him) on a plane to San Antonio once. They were good people.


On Edit - that is a damn short clip of 'Gun

try this link here then find the song:


Ah Lucille was a woman and I was a boy
it was obvious that she wanted more
than a man her age could give her and that was me

I was wild as a summer squall
blowin' through town no direction at all
I was wilder than even she could believe

I had a cobra jet 428
and a '65 Ford and it ran great
take it on out to where that gravel turns to road
take it on up to a hundred and ten
tires screamin' in and out of the bends
and Lucille hangin' on just as tight as she could

and it was crazy
but it sure was good

ah Lucille was fifty and I was nineteen
you know it never bothered me
not even when they called out in the bar
I'd get tough and I'd bust some heads
Lucille would laugh when the cops got there
we'd sneak out the back and take off in my car

well last week I turned forty-five
when I woke up well out in the driveway
my wife had fixed that old car up for me
she had it in the garage for a week or two
when I got it back it was good as new
I started it up and I took off down the highway
I drove on up to Randolph Height
there's an old folks home there past the lights
Lucille's sittin' out there in the shade
I wheeled her around to the passenger door
I picked her up and put her in that car
we took off like a dust bowl hurricane

and that cobra jet 428
and that '65 Ford well it ran great
took it on out to where that gravel turns to road
took it on up to a hundred and ten
tires screamin' in and out of the bends
and Lucille hangin' on just as tight as she could

and it was crazy
but it sure was good

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iverglas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-23-04 06:59 PM
Response to Reply #10
13. aaargh
Well, I didn't have any of the fancy gadgetry I needed to listen to your clips. MP3 indeed. Then I wandered off and found a Stompin Tom video library, and decided to download the RealPlayer stuff, and then I had to close Netscape, and so here I am back again and I'll go have a listen.

Of course Fred Eaglesmith has an incredible sense of humour. He's one of us!

... I give up. Your second link sent a message the server couldn't understand, and I still don't have what I need to listen to the first link. No music for me.

I had gone looking for a Stompin Tom audio clip.

The girls are out to bingo
and the boys are getting stinko;
They'll think no more of Inco
On a Sudbury Saturday Night.

(Inco's the nickel ... whaddaya call it, plant? smelter? ... in Sudbury, a hard rock town up north of Toronto, the cause of the moonscape that the environment became there.)

Tom is a man of drastic decisions. His biggest one affecting his career happened in 1972 when he squared off with the directors of the Canadian National Exhibition.

He had agreed to appear in the Grandstand, bringing his own band, sound equipment and lighting for a two hour show in front of 20,000 people.

He looked forward to the night, and told the CNE people he was happy with the $2,500 fee they proposed for his group. He asked management to draw up a contract for him.

But a close friend who had a copy of a contract the CNE had signed with American country star Charlie Pride pointed out a startling fact: Pride was hired to sing, with Connors' group to back him, for a fee of $35,000 - for only six songs!

Tom hit the roof. He had won Canada's Juno awars three years in a row as top country singer, while Pride had won the US equivalent only once.

Tom told the CNE he wouldn't appear, and said he would not ocnsider signing at the CNE unless the directors adopted a policy of booking at least 60 per cent Canadian talent. The CNE argued that it hired 95 percent Canadian talent - but Tom replied that 95 percent of the entertainment budget went to American or foreign acts while the paltry five percent of the money went to Canadians who performed 95 percent of the work.

Country music writer Henry McGuirk points out that "there were even statements made at the time to try and discredit Tom by suggesting he was a racist and was simply refusing to work for a black man.

"It seemed that they would go to any length to deflect attention away from the real issue which was to have Canadian talent headlining at the Canadian National Exhibition."

He's had delegations from the north ask him to refrain from singing "Sudbury Saturday Night". On one occasion he threatened not to sing the controversial song and let the patrons tear apart the room in anger. The delegation left in defeat.

Well, the Blue Berets clip ends right where the song was to begin.

You can hear some of The Hockey Game song though. All of Tom's songs are sung to a single tune, pretty much.

If you watch I am the Wind, you get to see Stompin Tom and a truck, and hear him say "eh?", and if you listen closely you can hear a bit of Sudbury Saturday Night in the background. Ooh, there's a truck in Margo's Cargo, too.

Do you know Rita MacNeil at all?

Working Man

It’s a working man l am
And I’ve been down under ground
And I swear to God if ever see the sun
Or for any length of time
I can hold it in my mind
I never again will go down under ground

At the age of sixteen years
Oh he quarrels with his peers
Who vowed they’d never see another one
In the dark recess of the mines
Where you age before your time
And the coal dust has heavy on your lungs


At the age of sixty-four
Oh he'll greet you at the door
And he'll gently lead you by the arm
Through the dark recess of the mines
Oh he'll take you back in time
And he'll tell you of the hardships that were had

(Repeat Chorus)
(Repeat Chorus)

God I never again will go down under ground

Clip here:
And a variation (with Men of the Deep, I think) here:

Mining The Soul Story....

From Cape Breton Island, comes the magic of two internationally acclaimed performers; multi-award winning singer-songwriter Rita MacNeil re-unites with The Men of The Deeps, North America's only coal miners' chorus for a heart-felt performance of MINING THE SOUL - an extensive Canadian tour and exclusive new recording.

Far beneath the surface of the earth, some say the heart and soul of Cape Breton beats. A tumultuous industry has given character to this part of the country, character that is reflected in its people and their music. The island speaks of working class values, strong friendships, unfailing courage and unwavering faith. These emotions have found their voice in MINING THE SOUL.

The MINING THE SOUL tour, which features both MacNeil and the choir, promotes the CD of the same name, and is MacNeil's first major tour with the Men, who worked with her in 1989 on a song called Working Man. MacNeil got a glimpse of what life underground is like when, just for fun, she toured the Princess mine. "I was thinking it would be a fun thing to do - duh." Going down the mine shaft did something to her. It was as if the spirit of the workers spoke to her through the pitch blackness. The song Working Man came to her, practically writing itself, she says.

"...In her hymn to Nova Scotia's miners, Rita MacNeil was joined by The Men of The Deeps...they filed onto the stage from the wings and auditorium to construct a three-tiered wall of light and sound above MacNeil and beneath a glowering red sky upstage. It was a brave and epic stunt, simple in its humanity and emotionally overpowering, that brought the audience, awestruck, to its feet..." (Toronto Star)
Yeah, too sappy for you, I bet. I just like that song.

(She also appears in the final episode of season 4 of Trailer Park Boys, singing this song as she helps harvest the pot crop, after the Boys press the passengers off a passing bus into service to get the crop in before the cops get it. Rita's pathologically shy, and this was a first. I made my mother watch 15 minutes of all the f-word-ing just to see her.)

Anyhow, the two of them, Tom and Rita, kinda represent working-class / naive music-making here, and are not universally appreciated:

Stompin' Tom Connors
I'm going to take heat for this one. A true
Canadian, paid his dues, blah blah blah.
Harmless yes. But sorry, he sucks. He wrote the
same song thousands of times over and
accompanied himself with a piece of plywood.

Rita MacNeil
Another reader submission:
"I have just as much desire to clutter
this area with fat jokes as the next
guy. I'm no fan of the music either,
but I think that these days with
looks like that if you can A) Sell at
least a few albums here and there,
B) have ANY large number of fans
(even if they are all over 50 and live
in Nova Scotia), and C) keep a
bland TV series featuring mainly
your homely ass (watched mainly by
the above group) for more than a
season, you deserve a bit of respect.
Junkhouse performing on her show
was good for a laugh. She looked
just horrified. That's like booking
Marilyn Manson at an Up With
People concert."

Well, I like Crash Test Dummies *and* Moxy Fruvous *and* Bare Naked Ladies, but I'm old and don't matter, and I liked Freddy and the Dreamers. But they're right about Dan Hill. Many moons ago, my menial co-worker buddy and I set out on a road trip to Quebec City, and our boss, the lawyer I was articling for, decided to invite himself along with his obnoxious wife, with whom he was nauseatingly in love. He sat in the back seat singing "Sometimes When We Touch" for 500 miles ... and back.

But they forgot the appalling Diana Krall ...

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Wickerman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-23-04 04:49 PM
Response to Reply #9
11. I wanna buy your truck - lyrics and tabs
I Wanna Buy Your Truck

so many (G) mornings
so many (Am) days
i just dream out my (D) window
of going a(G)way
i dream of white lines, cigarette (Am) stops
broken down (D) shoulders, rusty old (G) trucks

i wanna buy your (G) truck
i don¹t like what i'm (Am) doing
i wanna give it (D)up
i wanna do something (D7) else
i like the way that it (G) shines
hey i'm really (C) stuck (Am)
in this life of (D) mine
i wanna buy your (G) truck

a dust devil drive shaft
the mirrored (Am) mirages
the oil can silhou (D) ettes
fallen down (G) garages
chrome grill reflections
Just out of the (Am) lights
Onto the (D) pavement
And into the night (G)


i like the way that it shines...2x

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slackmaster Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-23-04 05:25 PM
Response to Original message
12. I'll never have to worry about that one
"Availability" of firearms is not an issue for me because I already have more than I could possibly need for any foreseeable purpose.
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alwynsw Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 10:39 AM
Response to Reply #12
19. Sound like me!
How about ammo? I've got 2,00 rounds of .45 ACP jsp coming today for range use. It pays to rotate your ammo. I keep it stored in .50 cal and .45 ACP G.I ammo cans with lots of "Do Not Eat" (dessicant, for you hardliners) packets to absorb the moisture.
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-..__... Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-23-04 08:50 PM
Response to Original message
14. Just wondering...
Edited on Wed Jun-23-04 09:20 PM by D__S
Why did it take so long for Fred to decide?

I kinz fix'em up with a bullet hose, vest buster or .50 kaliber chopper shooter iffin he's so inclined.

Of course, getting it back across no-mans-land is his problem... not mine.
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iverglas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 06:46 AM
Response to Reply #14
16. missed it, eh?
From the interview quoted in my first post. What that song's all about:

I woke up one morning, and the neighbor's car had been stolen. We'd heard the dogs barking. My wife of the time said, "I think I'd better start locking the door."

I went outside and thought, "Geez, maybe I should buy a gun." And I wondered, "How can I afford one, I don't have any money right now. I been drinking a lot lately. I'm sure if I drank one less bottle of wine, that'd be ten dollars a week, I could afford one. Maybe it's time."

And then, I was thinking about the fact that I was living on this farm, and they were considering putting in this airport, and the highway was getting closer, and I was thinkin I could fend off those guys if I had a gun.

And I went in and told my wife, and she said, "Well, I'm not comfortable with this, because my father never owned one," and I said, "Well, it's me that's gotta go out there," and walked back outside and thought, "You know, this is the most ridiculous idea I ever had." But I wrote the song. So I don't even know myself!
But then, he's just a crazy canuckistani with weird furrin ideas.

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MrSandman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 09:40 AM
Response to Original message
18. Not time to get a gun...
Maybe it is time to inventory the ammo supply though.
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alwynsw Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-24-04 10:43 AM
Response to Reply #18
20. See post #19.
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MrSandman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-25-04 10:13 PM
Response to Reply #20
22. Roatation can be such fun...n/t
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