But first, hahaha. I don't get it.
http://www.cbc.ca/insite/AS_IT_HAPPENS_TORONTO/1998/10/21.html"As It Happens" is kind of like "All Things Considered", except more annoying.
Researchers in the U-K have just completed a 5-yr study on the different methods of drying hands. They found that the hot-air dryers leave you with far more bacteria on your hands than cotton or paper towels. Keith Redway was one of the scientists on the study. He's in Hemel Hempstead, Eng. NEWS BREAK
Unfortunately, what seems to have once been a link to listen to the piece now isn't.
Oh, I thought you said "What 'dangers of disease' do hot-air hand dryers
preSent?" Never mind.
Fortunately, hockey season is over, or I'd have had to do the obligatory hockey joke shtick too. What the hell.
Q. How was hockey introduced into Montreal?
A. Some Newfies were playing hockey on the Gulf of St. Lawrence and one of them got a breakaway.
hahaha. What's a Newfie?
Okay. Here we go.
An American, a Canadian, and an Australian were sitting in a seedy bar enjoying a few beers. The American grabbed his beer, knocked it back in one gulp, then he threw the glass into the air and shot it with his handgun. As he set the handgun on the bar, he told the Canadian and the Australian that in the great U.S. of A, they had so much money they never drank out of the same glass twice.
Next the Australian drank his beer, threw the glass into the air and shot the glass with the American's gun. As he was setting the gun back on the bar he proclaimed that in Australia they had so much sand that glass was cheap and he too never drank out of the same glass twice.
Next the Canadian drank his beer, grabbed the gun off the bar, and shot the American. As he was setting the gun back on the bar, he told the Australian that in Canada we have so many Americans you never have to drink with the same one twice.
HAHAHA. I got that one.