"I write this appeal to the defenders of freedom at Democratic Underground.
I represent an horrifically repressed minority of the Australian population - the violent, armed criminal.
As you may have recently read on your excellent website, the fascist Australian government has already banned private ownership of all firearms. Whilst this isn't actually true, the various State, Territory and Federal governments have enacted laws making it prohibitively difficult for criminals to purchase guns legally.
Crackdowns on illegally imported guns have made them almost impossible to obtain and we have now reached a seemingly unthinkable moment in Australian history - only law-abiding citizens who can demonstrate good reasons for ownership are allowed to purchase guns.
By undermining the rights of the violent criminal underclass, the Australian government has left us defenseless against the hoards of ordinary citizens and policemen whom we attack and rob in the course of our daily lives.
In our desperation we turned to swords for our own protection - a readily-available and potent tool during robberies and assaults and gang battles. However, the Nazis in the Victorian parliament have now voted to restrict sword ownership to those with good, sensible, LEGAL reasons for having one.
If this situation continues, Australian violent criminals will be left unarmed and at the mercy of the legal system. Please do all you can to fight this ruthless oppression, either by asking your congressman to lobby the Australian parliament for unfettered access to deadly weaponry, or even better, if you could just send us a shipment of katana and machetes then we can return to the good old days where everyone lived free in the knowledge that anybody, no matter how mad or dangerous, could pick up a 3ft long sword and walk out of a shop without having to even give their name....."
FX Homer Simpson: "In case you couldn't tell, I was being sarcastic."