(No criticism of you, just something I have to vent about).
Firearms and the Massachusetts experience... one mans journey into Hell.(updated link:
(BTW... I make all my firearms purchases at the gun store mentioned in the article and I know the owner very well. I'll make it a point to ask him more about the system next time I'm in there... maybe by the end of next week).
To start with, the gun laws in this state are so overbearing, complicated and ridiculous that any change is better than what we have now.
For MA gun owners, this is actually an improvement over the current system (I've lived here for 48 years and have been a gun owner for 30 of them).
Anyhow, I'll try to simplify it as best as I can... bear with me :smoke:
MA is one of the few states that requires it's citizens to register their firearms. It's been this way for as long as I can remember. It's also been a requirement that one must have a license (issued by the local Chief of Police), in order to
own, posses and purchase *any* firearm in the Commonwealth.
Currently this license (and there are 3 different ones; 4 actually), is also required to purchase: ammunition, reloading components (bullets, brass, primers, powder) and high capacity magazines. The law must be working; I've yet to read about a bust involving a bunch of gang-bangers or crack-heads working up a new "cop killing" load on their Rock Chuckers.
(For the unenlightened:
The application procedure works something like this...
You go to your local police station and request an application for an FID/LTC (Firearms Identification Card/License to Carry). I won't bore you with the details about the questions but you can probably guess.
After you fill out the application (be
very careful to dot all your "I's" and cross all your "T's"), bring your completed form back to the police. Expect your application to sit in the "Inbox" for a few weeks. At some point you'll get a phone call to come down to the police station to be fingerprinted... usually on a workday between 8:00-11:00 AM.
All PD's have an officer who is assigned the duty of processing firearms applications. Depending on the officer, where you live and who you are will dictate how smoothly the processing goes. Regardless, expect to be asked at the very least what you want the license for. You'll then be fingerprinted in the traditional manner... rolled ink impressions.
...Oh, wait a minute <slaps forehead>, I forgot one very important step. After you fill out your application, and before you bring it back, the "applicant" must attend an "MA certified firearms safety course". It varies, but plan on at least one or two weeknights and a weekend day. Cost? It varies, but figure at least $100.00.
Ok, so where was I?... Oh yeah, bring your completed application and safety certification back to the PD on the appointed day and hour.
After the question and answer period and fingerprinting, your application will be sent off to the MA State police for further investigation and scrutiny.
The best part is you also have to include a check for $100 to process your "privilege" (it's still $100.00; regardless whether or not you want a license to carry concealed or
simply own, posses or purchase). Even better, %50 of that money goes to the "general fund". Even better than that.. if your application is denied you don't get your money back! But, don't worry, there's an appeal process that will only cost you another $110.00.
(BTW... the license used to be $35.00 and good for 4 years. It wasn't until recently that it went up to $100.00, but now it's good for 6 years... what a bargain!).
law, from the time the PD receives your package and the time the "investigation" is completed should be 45 days. In reality its discretionary... 45 days, 60 days, 90 days... pick a number. Remember, these are bureaucrats and law enforcement officers. They're too busy to be bothered with details like "the law".
So, some magical day you get a phone call to come pick up your license.
You drive down to the PD full of elation to pick-up your license of "privilege".
Then, the fat assed, over paid, past-prime-to-retire fossil (please, God, don't let him die before he finalizes my "license"), with a sorry looking whatcha-em-call-it on his hip that looks like it hasn't left the holster in years wants to get all chatty about guns.
You grunt at him and nod in solemn agreement as he takes your picture then laminates and hands you your license.
Yeahhhhh... all is fine and good and Democracy works!
Not so fast, fella... you ain't seen nothing yet. :crazy: :mad: :puke: :eyes:
Part 2 tomorrow... I have a roast in the oven and some "vest busting" rounds" to re-load. B-)