Then, some don't trust law enforcement organizations.Yeah, eh? And the rkba-head crowd hereabouts just seems to include a large number of 'em. The non-trusters, that is.
A pro-2A group of LE professionals is less credible than the VPC or Brady Bunch?Did somebody say that??
As to the possible bias in the poll -- well hmm, it seems that they weren't just "chiefs of police who belong to NACOP". The survey questions "were posed by mail of 22,587 Chiefs of Police and Sheriffs in the United States. It represents a cross section of professional command officers involving every state." here are the survey questions and results: to reproduce with credit is given)
Here's a fun bit, right at the beginning:
1. Do you believe the death penalty serves as a deterrent to certain types of crimes? -- 97.3% YES
2. Do you believe that when a law enforcement officer is feloniously killed in the line of duty that the penalty upon conviction should be death? -- 88.5% YES
Now there's a group of opinion leaders I'd want to be following. Fer sure.
How 'bout:
21. Should marijuana be legalized in the United States for those who have a legitimate medical need for the drug? -- 59.8% NO
31. Do you feel “civilian review boards” are an effective method of handling citizen complaints against law enforcement officers? -- 76.9% NO
Wot a bunch of liberals and progressives, eh?
Here's something interesting (and check that source): enforcement views regarding the issue of a waiting period for gun purchases may begin from a more informed point of view. The Fraternal Order of Police, the International Brotherhood of Police Officers and the National Sheriffs' Association have spoken out in support of the Brady bill along with the American Bar Association. Polling data indicated that a large number of major urban police chiefs also favor a waiting period for handguns.
Both the American Federation of Police (AFP), the second largest rank and file police organization, and the National Association of Chiefs of Police (NACOP), the second largest command rank organization, oppose a waiting period. According to a 1990 Gallup poll of NACOP, results indicated that a majority of command rank officers are skeptical about waiting periods. Although skepticism is no true measure of opposition toward the waiting period, the polling results tend to manifest the imprecision of attempting to flesh out popular and professional opinion regarding legislation.
Seems like we really might need to know a little more about the composition of NACOP's membership. Or really, its leadership -- since the leadership opposes something that the members "are sceptical" about.
And oh dearie me. Look at the company the leadership keeps: at the national rally are Larry Pratt (GOA), Jay Simkin (JPFO), Roy Innis (CORE), Dennis Martin (NACOP) and Jim Fotis (LEAA).
Jews for the Promotion of Fake psychOlogy and a Churlish Old REpublican. Oh, and Larry Pratt. What, no Punk Plinkers?
(If anyone at all just doesn't know what I'm talking about there or why I'm saying what I say, s/he can consider making a polite request for an explanation, and I'll try to provide directions to where it can be found. Anyone who addresses me as if I don't know what I'm talking about or have no reason for saying what I say can piss off in advance.)