youths: 'Send us guns'
Wednesday, February 16, 2005 Posted: 4:14 PM EST (2114 GMT)

LOME, Togo (AP) -- Armed with sticks and stones and hard-bitten desperation, Togo's opposition movement waged a 38-year losing battle against the oppressive military regime of President Gnassingbe Eyadema.
After Eyadema's February 5 death was followed by the abrupt appointment by the army of his son Faure Gnassingbe, Togo's new generation of protesters is dismissing people-power, grass-roots solidarity and all that.
They want guns, and lots of them.
Restless, jobless and short on patience, the youth of Togo's beach-front capital say weaponry is the only way to bring down the Gnassingbe military dynasty, which has made fear and intimidation a bedrock of Togolese society.