"Trying to look at this from an Arab/Muslim point of view--which is very difficult for me, culturally, but which we MUST try to do--it surely appears that Israel and the west have been out to destroy the sovereignty, independence and self-determination of Arab/Muslim countries. There are certain actions of the west that can have no other construction (destruction of Iranian democracy, for instance, and the western support of super-rich dictators in Saudi Arabia). The west has been highly successful in decimating Arab/Muslim society, and Arab/Muslim society therefore has a LONG way to go, merely to re-build the infrastructure of a successful society, let alone to realize dreams of a vast Muslim caliphate such as they had in the Middle Ages (when Islamic society far outclassed western Europe in education, culture, science, medicine, AND religious TOLERANCE!).
We need to understand these two broad generalizations about the current Arab/Muslim world: 1) west-induced poverty and lack of community infrastructure (good schools, for instance), and the need to start at the bottom rungs of development; and 2) how the dream of a vast Muslim caliphate derives from these conditions, and provides young Muslims with self-esteem and higher goals, outside of the egoistic self."
OK - I agree absolutely with the need for young Muslims to have greater self-esteem. But, if creating a vast Muslim caliphate destroys other nations and other people's civil rights - is this a good thing? There are MANY peoples in the Middle East and indeed throughout the world where Islam is a dominant religion. What of their rights? Should a Berber, for example, the daughter of a matriarchal society, have to accept Sharia law? What of the women of Iraq for that matter? Or the fact that certain Islamic customs - hijab, for example - are being imported to the West? What of the speeches that include the destruction of Israel as a precondition for creating this Caliphate? The vision drove the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al Husseini, to go to work for Hitler. You might want to think about that a little. If you need information about this, it isn't hard to find. Just look at the Nuremburg Trial transcripts for a start.
And, I have to disagree a little on another point. Israel has not been out to destroy the Arabs. They are trying to survive. The Arabs have actually been trying to destroy THEM.
Has the West been trying to destroy the Arabs? Dominate the region, certainly. So were the Soviets, for that matter. Indeed, this region has been a crossroads, and a source of conflict, for THOUSANDS OF YEARS.
On the other hand, Islam has radicalized in recent decades. Isn't part of the problem we all face one of whether Islam will desire to modernize and reach some accomodation with the West, or whether it will return to a medieval mindset? As liberals, this should certainly interest us - particularly to the feminists and multi-culturalists among us.
Finally, I think your assertion that Israel has made a devil's pact with the US overlooks an important point: Israel is a client state of ours, and really has little choice in the matter. I agree with you completely that the Bush administration totally dropped the ball with regard to the peace process. However, I do think the Israelis are trying to reach out to the Muslim world and progress is being made along those lines. The withdrawal from Gaza and parts of the West Bank is a great beginning, which belies your assertion that the Israelis are behaving as though peace isn't possible. Indeed, it made Israel more vulnerable and was a cause of great distress to the thousands of people who lost their homes, farms and businesses, as well as to the nation of Israel as a whole. Many thought there would be actual civil war in Israel as a result of the pullout, but fortunately the nation survived intact, albeit with some upset citizens who disagree with the action. So the Israeli government, which you have so criticized, took a huge chance by making the withdrawal. It was a serious, and unilateral, concession.
But this beginning needs to be met with some response from the Arabs besides a barrage of missiles, which in fact is exactly what has happened, along with the burning of synagogues and the looting of a lucrative greenhouse business which had been built by the Israelis and given as a gift, by American Jews, to the Palestinians, so they could start building their economy.
As far as compassion, etc are concerned - I think you need to talk to some Israelis. Don't underestimate these people, and don't underestimate the difficulty of surviving under the circumstances of a 57 year long war. What do you think the US would do if Mexico had been terrorizing and attacking us over a period of 57 years, and that had been preceded by decades of attacks, and alliances by local leaders with a mortal enemy (Germany), combined with the fact that the dominant religion of the region regards you as a second-classnik at best and at worse, a monkey or a dog?
I think the answer is obvious: we'd have loaded up the B-52s and carpet bombed the region. The Israelis have 1/5 of their population, which is Arab, to consider; they are trying to live WITH the Arabs, not destroy them. Having said that, they do represent a modern, Westernized culture - and that in itself has been a cause of conflict.
The wall upsets you. It upsets me too - but it is saving lives by stopping terrorist attacks. Right now, in order to normalize relations, it is vital that people stop dying. If people stop dying long enough, and start talking again, THEN the wall can come down.
As far as 9/11 is concerned, your statement that Israel is trying to cover up what happened is truly upsetting, as are your assertions as follows:
"It is in the interests of the Israeli right wing--as it is in the interest of our own fascists--to obscure what really happened on 9/11, and to PREVENT understanding of it, to justify land grabs and the mistreatment of Palestinians, on the one hand, and to loot the U.S. and Iraq, on the other. (Anyone who thinks there is any sincerity in the Bushite Middle East policies only has to review their tax cuts for the rich, and the Halliburton contracts, to be disabused of that notion.)
Whatever happened on 9/11, I think it's clear that the broader objective of western (and of Israeli right wing) policy is to disempower, disenfranchise, dominate, steal from, frighten and oppress Arab/Muslim peoples. And the more those policies are implemented, the more jihadists are created, who dream of a vast protected sphere--a Muslim caliphate--in which they could not be so abused, and could instead prosper according to their own lights."
It is obvious what happened on 9/11, and conspiracy theories are only feeding the assertion that the antiwar movement has become enmeshed with antisemitism, although I can't disagree that money and power are certainly major concerns of the Bush Administration. The Iraq war certainly had an economic component. But that's a far cry from establishing firm links between the concerns of Bush and the concerns of Israel. They are completely different. The Israelis are quite seriously involved in an existential struggle. Their situation is entirely different from that of Halliburton.
Indeed your assertion that the Israelis are deliberately trying to hurt Arabs/Muslims, when in fact they are trying to keep their nation on the planet, is extreme and quite insensitive.
The conflict between the Arabs and the Israelis is long running; there never have been any formal borders drawn up around Israel, Palestinian statehood has been rejected - in 1948 and during the Clinton Administration - by the Palestinians, not by the Israelis; in fact the violence escalated immediately after the Oslo accords were signed. The death toll has soared, suicide bombings and rocket attacks soared, just when it looked like the peace process was underway at last. It really MUST be understood that there are people in the world who are trying to blow Israel off the map.
Therefore, the need for security and defensible borders is REAL, as is the right for ISRAELI cities to grow and prosper just as Arab cities and states have that implicit right.
Another point to consider: the majority of Israelis ARE OF MIDDLE EASTERN DESCENT. Culturally they are very close to the Arabs, in many ways. So the assertion that the Israelis are on some sort of crusade to destroy Araby ignores the existence of the Mizrachi and Sephardic Jews, who have shared a long history with the Arab world.
Finally, we need to deal with the realities of the conflicts within Islam, and between Islam and the west, RATIONALLY. That means accepting the realities of 9/11, and accepting that sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar.
I'm posting a link to a Wikipedia article, including a map of the region, in the hopes that it will give you some insights into the Arab/Israeli conflict.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_Israeli_conflictThank you.