Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Sunday criticized the Islamic leadership in Israel for using an attack Friday at the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth for political purposes.
Three members of the same family are suspected of entering the church and setting off fireworks during a prayer service. Ensuing riots left 13 police officers and 13 civilians with light injuries. Four cars were also set on fire, including two police vehicles.
"An attempt was made to gain political ground by this incident," Olmert told a debate on the incident during the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem. "It is almost absurd when the Islamic leadership, which is known for being intolerant toward Christianity, leads a demonstration caused by a spaced out couple and uses it as political leverage during the election period."
Olmert called for all involved parties to "act responsibly and with restraint, and not turn the unfortunate event - which happily ended calmly - into a religious confrontation which bears no relation to the incident."