"Vladimir Putin, heir of czars and commissars, looked at the map. Looked and picked up the telephone to invite the Hamas leaders.
A hundred years ago, the whole expanse from India to Turkey was a battlefield between Russia and the main Western power at that time — the British Empire. Adventurers, spies, diplomats and plotters of all stripes roamed the area. This contest was known as The Great Game.
In time, the actors changed. The Bolsheviks took the place of the czars, the American empire succeeded the British. But the Great Game went on.
When the Soviet Union collapsed, it seemed as if the game had come to an end. Russian influence disappeared from the region. The Soviet empire dissolved, and what remained was too weak, too poor, to take part in the game. It had no jetons.
And now, with one stroke, Putin has changed everything. Inviting Hamas to Moscow was a gambit of genius: it didn’t cost anything, and it put Russia back on the map of the Middle East. While the whole world was still puzzled and confused by the Hamas victory, Putin used the sharp scalpel of unemotional logic and made the first move of a new game."