Full reliance on IDF accounts, word choice, taking sides – that’s what the media does when it comes to Palestinians being killed; academic study finds fault with Israeli media http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3225497,00.html<
"The five “W’s” that every first year communications student can recite in his sleep – what happened, when, who was involved, why and where – evidently don’t apply when Palestinians are killed. A new study examining media coverage of the Intifada finds that in incidents when Palestinians are killed, the Israeli media relies almost exclusively on the security establishment’s official version of the story.
IDF spokespeople, usually dubbed “senior security officials,” are quoted with finality, and only rarely are their versions measured up against Palestinian’s accounts or is any independent investigation done to verify their accuracy.
Over 3,300 Palestinians were killed by IDF gunfire since the outbreak of the Intifada in September 2000. The Keshev Association (president - writer David Grossman, chairman – Dr. Daniel Dor of Tel Aviv University’s Communications Department) examined the reporting methods in 22 such cases in December 2005. They studied news reports on Israel's three leading television channels (1, 2 and 10) and three leading newspapers (Yedioth Ahronoth, Ma’ariv and Haaretz). Altogether, they scrutinized 135 such news reports.
Of 48 reports of Palestinians killed as result of IDF gunfire, only eight reports provided an account other than the army’s, and only once did a report give an alternate version of a targeted assassination. As a rule, the media reported twice as much on targeted assassinations – which are planned in advance and aimed at a particular person – than on Palestinian deaths in other army operations."